首先,我对 Pressflow 真正包含的内容有点困惑。Pressflow 只是模块的集合,还是有一些 D7 中没有的更深层次的核心技巧?继续我们的 D7 安装并添加适当的缓存模块是否是一个合理的解决方案?
我知道 Drupal 7 可以开箱即用地与 Varnish 一起工作,但它也以某种方式受益于 Varnish 模块。我很好奇是否存在人们普遍关注的杀手组合。
Check this video: http://drupalize.me/videos/overview-performance-scalability.
Nathan Hauge explains that there aren't benefits to using Pressflow 6 instead of Drupal 7. In fact, Content Delivery Networks, reverse proxy and slave data base servers improvements in Pressflow 6 has been implemented in Drupal 7 too. Pressflow 6 was a great alternative to improve Drupal 6 performance and scalability; it is also a good option if you plan to use Drupal 6 modules that don't work in Drupal 7. If you are starting a project from scratch, starting with Drupal 7 is recommended.
Maybe in the future Pressflow will be updated, and will make improvements to Drupal 7 performance and scalability; for now, Drupal 7 is a good option.