我正在尝试实现 SVProgressHUD 进度活动指示器。我从 [demo] 中复制了课程。1
#import "SVProgressHUD.h"
@implementation QuotesAppDelegate
- (void)startLoading
//call this in your app delegate instead of setting window.rootViewController to your main view controller
//you can show a UIActivityIndiocatorView here or something if you like
[SVProgressHUD show];
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadInBackground) withObject:nil];
- (void)loadInBackground
//do your loading here
//this is in the background, so don't try to access any UI elements
[self populateFromDatabase];
[SVProgressHUD dismiss];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(finishedLoading) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)finishedLoading
//back on the main thread now, it's safe to show your view controller
[window addSubview:[navigationController view]];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
[self copyDatabaseIfNeeded];
[self startLoading];