我走得很远。以下代码读取目录和所有子目录。但是,当我尝试提取尺寸时,循环在需要检查的所有图片的 8% 处停止。难道是PHP不允许做更多的计算?到底是怎么回事!?
function checkDir($dir, $level = 0) {
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if (!preg_match('/\./i', $entry)) {
echo echoEntry("DIR\\", $entry, $level);
checkDir($dir.'/'.$entry, $level+1);
} else {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && $entry != ".DS_Store") {
// if I comment the next line. It loops through all the files in the directory
checkFile($entry, $dir.'/'.$entry, $level);
// this line echoes so I can check or it really read all the files in case I comment the proceeding line
//echo echoEntry("FILE", $entry, $level);
// Checks the file type and lets me know what is happening
function checkFile($fileName, $fullPath, $level) {
if (preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $fullPath)) {
$info = getImgInfo(imagecreatefromgif($fullPath));
} else if (preg_match('/\.png$/i', $fullPath)) {
$info = getImgInfo(imagecreatefrompng($fullPath));
} else if (preg_match('/\.jpe?g$/i', $fullPath)){
$info = getImgInfo(imagecreatefromjpeg($fullPath));
} else {
echo "XXX____file is not an image [$fileName]<br />";
if ($info) {
echo echoEntry("FILE", $fileName, $level, $info);
// get's the info I need from the image and frees up the cache
function getImgInfo($srcImg) {
$width = imagesx($srcImg);
$height = imagesy($srcImg);
$info = "Dimensions:".$width."X".$height;
return $info;
// this file formats the findings of my dir-reader in a readable way
function echoEntry($type, $entry, $level, $info = false) {
$output = $type;
$i = -1;
while ($i < $level) {
$output .= "____";
$output .= $entry;
if ($info) {
$output .= "IMG_INFO[".$info."]";
return $output."<br />";