在 appfuse-basic-spring-archetype v2.1.0 项目上成功运行>mvn package
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @ ScanillionAppTier02 ---
[debug] execute contextualize
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 20 resources
[INFO] Copying 16 resources
[INFO] Copying 16 resources
[INFO] Copying 16 resources
我将您的注意力引向最后 3 行(复制 16...)。我跑去>mvn -X package
获取 DEBUG 输出,这表明资源插件声称首先过滤了 16 个文件,然后将它们复制了两次。
更多的副本发生在构建的分叉 hibernate3-maven-plugin:hbm2ddl 部分中;在该部分中,输出显示 16 个文件被过滤一次并被复制 4 次。
编辑 3/19/2012 cdhabecker:更多细节
在带有 -X 选项的 Maven 输出中,我发现了这个:
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) buildFilters = []
[DEBUG] (f) encoding = UTF-8
[DEBUG] (f) escapeWindowsPaths = true
[DEBUG] (s) includeEmptyDirs = false
[DEBUG] (s) outputDirectory = C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\target\classes
[DEBUG] (s) overwrite = false
[DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject: com.foo:foo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT @ C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\pom.xml
[LOOK] (s) resources = [Resource {targetPath: null, filtering: true, FileSet {directory: C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\src\main\resources, PatternSet [includes: {}, excludes: {ApplicationResources*.properties}]}},
[LOOK] Resource {targetPath: null, filtering: true, FileSet {directory: C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\target\resources, PatternSet [includes: {}, excludes: {}]}},
[LOOK] Resource {targetPath: null, filtering: false, FileSet {directory: C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\target\resources, PatternSet [includes: {}, excludes: {}]}},
[LOOK] Resource {targetPath: null, filtering: false, FileSet {directory: C:\eclipse\workspace\foo\target\resources, PatternSet [includes: {}, excludes: {}]}}]
[DEBUG] (f) session = org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession@eddac
[DEBUG] (f) supportMultiLineFiltering = false
[DEBUG] (f) useBuildFilters = true
[DEBUG] (s) useDefaultDelimiters = true
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
如果您查看标记为 [LOOK] 的行,您会看到 maven-resources 认为它有 4 个任务(20 个文件的过滤器,16 个文件的过滤器,以及这 16 个文件的 2 个冗余副本)。
所以现在我怀疑某些东西(例如,native2ascii-maven-plugin 或其他插件或 maven 构建计划生成器)正在使用 maven-resources-plugin 注册这些任务,并且系统中没有任何东西会注意到其中一些任务是多余的。