我正在尝试使用 databasedotcom gem 通过 Salesforce.com 对我的应用程序进行身份验证。文档很薄弱,我是 OAuth 的新手。我已经在 Salesforce.com 中配置了我的应用程序并拥有我的密钥和密钥。我正在从我的环境中进行配置:

client = Databasedotcom::Client.new(:client_id => ENV['SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_KEY'], :client_secret => ENV['SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_SECRET'])



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If all you need is to access the REST API of SFDC.

you can do this:

client.authenticate :username => 'user@example.com', :password => '123'

and then:

users = client.materialize('User').all

for example the above will return all the users in the user's Org.

however...if you want follow the Oauth approach, and authenticate the databasedotcom gem using Oauth tokens, you can read more about oauth here: http://help.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_oauth_web_server_flow.htm

i crafted my own oauth access flow using the above link (i used Net::HTTP class)

于 2012-12-05T07:21:40.850 回答