Currently we have an application which allows the user to include/remove the pages, images and text(which is given to the printer, using hooking we are getting the printed document and then processing it).

Now we want to develop the same for Metro UI style application for Windows 8.

So what is the starting point to develop the above said application using XAML and C#?

Should we need to learn HTML5, Javascript to develop Metro UI style application?


1 回答 1


如果您熟悉 Javascript 和 HTML,那么使用 Javascript 可能就是您想要的。微软声称 Javascript、C++ 和 C# 只是 WinRT API 的不同投影。所以理论上,如果你可以用 C#+XMAL 编写应用程序,那么你应该也可以用 Javascript+HTML5 编写它。


Visual Studio 11 Express Beta 和 Windows 8 Consumer Previews 现已免费提供,因此您无需支付任何费用即可开始开发。

这是一组 Consumer Preview 示例: http ://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Windows-8-Modern-Style-App-Samples

这是打印 API 的链接:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh448418 (v=vs.85).aspx


于 2012-03-16T04:34:19.470 回答