
有错误:tablix Group23 的隐藏表达式包含错误,输入字符串格式不正确


="Your screening results..." +VBCRLF+VBCRLF+"•  Your Body Weight was :" & (Fields!weight_loss.Value) & "lbs" 
+ VBCRLF+ "•  Your Body Mass Index (BMI) , which is based on your height and weight, was:" & (Fields!bmi.Value)& " " & "[Healthy Range: 18.5-24.9]"
+VBCRLF+ "•  Your waist circumference was:" & (Fields!waist.Value) & "inches." & "[Healthy Range:]" &IIF(Fields!gender.Value="M",35,40)
+ VBCRLF+ "•  To be in the healthy BMI range , your recommended weightshould be between " & (Fields!goal_wt_low.Value) & "and" &(Fields!goal_wt_high.Value) & "lbs." & "You told us that.." +VBCRLF+VBCRLF+
"• With regard to weight loss," & IIF(Fields!weight_loss.Value=1,"you are satisfied with the way you are now and have no desire to change.", IIF(Fields!weight_loss.Value=2,"•  you have considered making healthier choices."
, IIF(Fields!weight_loss.Value=3,"you have seriously considered making healthier choices and are ready to make a change.",IIF(Fields!weight_loss.Value=4,"you have started making healthier choices."
,IIF(fields!weight_loss.Value=5,"you have already made changes for a healthier lifestyle and are trying to maintain them.",IIF(Fields!weight_loss.Value=99,"you are not sure how satisfied you are with your current body weight.",nothing))))))

2 回答 2


虽然这是很多数据,但我认为问题可能很简单。我打赌其中一种数据类型不是字符串类型,也不是数据库中的 varchar/nvarchar。它基本上是在说明:“在你转换它之前,我不能添加一个带有数字的字符串。”

我猜你只需要在 Fields.(thing).Value 表达式周围添加 CSTR() 即可将它们转换为字符串。如果在此之后它仍然在轰炸,我会一次尝试一块并删除第一个表达式之后的所有内容。

于 2013-04-15T17:19:50.413 回答

我猜想字符串值不是隐藏表达式所需的布尔响应。Hidden 有 2 个可接受的答案,True 和 False。字符串表达式永远不会评估为布尔响应。

于 2013-09-18T15:32:50.417 回答