%token <token> PLUS MINUS INT
exp : exp PLUS exp;
exp : exp MINUS exp;
exp : INT;
这有 2 个转变/减少冲突:
exp : exp binaryop exp;
exp : INT;
binaryop: PLUS | MINUS ;
%token <token> PLUS MINUS INT
exp : exp PLUS exp;
exp : exp MINUS exp;
exp : INT;
这有 2 个转变/减少冲突:
exp : exp binaryop exp;
exp : INT;
binaryop: PLUS | MINUS ;
我们不能这样做%left binaryop
exp : exp binaryop term
exp : term;
term : INT;
binaryop: PLUS | MINUS ;
exp binop exp
exp : exp binaryop exp %prec PLUS;
这些评论似乎表明对 yacc/bison 中的优先规则的作用有些混淆。
Bascially, whenever there is a shift/reduce conflict between a token to be shifted and a rule to be reduced, yacc compares the precedence of the token to be shifted and the rule to be reduced, and -- as long as both have assigned precedences -- does whichever is higher precedence. If either the token or the rule has no precedence assigned, then the conflict is reported to the user.
come into the picture when the token and rule have the SAME precedence. In that case %left
means do the reduce, %right
means do the shift, and %nonassoc
means do neither, causing a syntax error at runtime if the parser runs into this case.
The precedence levels themselves are assigned to tokens with%left
and to rules with %prec
. The only oddness is that rules with no %prec
and at least one terminal on the RHS get the precedence of the last terminal on the RHS. This can sometimes end up assigning precedences to rules that you really don't want to have precedence, which can sometimes result in hiding conflicts due to resolving them incorrectly. You can avoid these problems by adding an extra level of indirection in the rule in question -- change the problematic terminal on the RHS to to a new non-terminal that expands to just that terminal.
我认为这属于 Bison 手册所称的“神秘冲突”。您可以使用以下方法复制它:
exp: exp plus exp;
exp: exp minus exp;
exp: INT;
plus: PLUS;
minus: MINUS;
这给了我四个 S/R 冲突。
Bison(2.3版)在Linux上产生的描述冲突语法的输出文件如下。顶部的关键信息是“状态 7 有冲突”。
State 7 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
0 $accept: exp $end
1 exp: exp binaryop exp
2 | INT
3 binaryop: PLUS
Terminals, with rules where they appear
$end (0) 0
error (256)
PLUS (258) 3
MINUS (259) 4
INT (260) 2
Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
$accept (6)
on left: 0
exp (7)
on left: 1 2, on right: 0 1
binaryop (8)
on left: 3 4, on right: 1
state 0
0 $accept: . exp $end
INT shift, and go to state 1
exp go to state 2
state 1
2 exp: INT .
$default reduce using rule 2 (exp)
state 2
0 $accept: exp . $end
1 exp: exp . binaryop exp
$end shift, and go to state 3
PLUS shift, and go to state 4
MINUS shift, and go to state 5
binaryop go to state 6
state 3
0 $accept: exp $end .
$default accept
state 4
3 binaryop: PLUS .
$default reduce using rule 3 (binaryop)
state 5
4 binaryop: MINUS .
$default reduce using rule 4 (binaryop)
state 6
1 exp: exp binaryop . exp
INT shift, and go to state 1
exp go to state 7
以下是有关“状态 7”的信息:
state 7
1 exp: exp . binaryop exp
1 | exp binaryop exp .
PLUS shift, and go to state 4
MINUS shift, and go to state 5
PLUS [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
MINUS [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
$default reduce using rule 1 (exp)
binaryop go to state 6
并没有像您期望的那样“生效”,因此 Bison 在读取exp PLUS exp
并找到 aPLUS
之后会识别冲突。在这种情况下,Bison(和 Yacc)会执行 shift 而不是 reduce。在这种情况下,在我看来,这无异于给予规则正确的优先权。
并省略它不会改变结果(就冲突警告而言)。我还在 Solaris 上尝试了 Yacc,它产生了基本相同的冲突。
0 $accept: exp $end
1 exp: exp PLUS exp
2 | exp MINUS exp
3 | INT
Terminals, with rules where they appear
$end (0) 0
error (256)
PLUS (258) 1
MINUS (259) 2
INT (260) 3
Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
$accept (6)
on left: 0
exp (7)
on left: 1 2 3, on right: 0 1 2
state 0
0 $accept: . exp $end
INT shift, and go to state 1
exp go to state 2
state 1
3 exp: INT .
$default reduce using rule 3 (exp)
state 2
0 $accept: exp . $end
1 exp: exp . PLUS exp
2 | exp . MINUS exp
$end shift, and go to state 3
PLUS shift, and go to state 4
MINUS shift, and go to state 5
state 3
0 $accept: exp $end .
$default accept
state 4
1 exp: exp PLUS . exp
INT shift, and go to state 1
exp go to state 6
state 5
2 exp: exp MINUS . exp
INT shift, and go to state 1
exp go to state 7
state 6
1 exp: exp . PLUS exp
1 | exp PLUS exp .
2 | exp . MINUS exp
$default reduce using rule 1 (exp)
state 7
1 exp: exp . PLUS exp
2 | exp . MINUS exp
2 | exp MINUS exp .
$default reduce using rule 2 (exp)
区别似乎在于,在状态 6 和 7 中,它能够根据接下来发生的事情来区分要做什么。
%token <token> PLUS MINUS INT
exp : exp binaryop term;
exp : term;
term : INT;
binaryop: PLUS | MINUS;