Scenario: I should be able to edit a user
Given I created a user with the login "test@example.com"
And I am viewing the user with login "test@example.com"
Then I should see "Edit this user"
When I click "Edit this user"
Then I should be editing the user with login "test@example.com"
When I press "Update"
Then I should be viewing the user with login "test@example.com"
And I should see "User was successfully updated."
这与其他方法一起,使用基本的 webrat :rails 模式可以正常工作。在硒中,线
Then I should be editing the user with login "test@example.com"
Then I should be viewing the user with login "test@example.com"
随机失败,有时第一次失败,有时第二次失败。手动使用网站会导致正确的操作,就像我说的,webrat/rails 模式可以正常工作。
Rails 2.2.2 Cucumber 0.3.7 selenium 1.1.14(已修复以与 FF3 一起使用)
Scenario: I should be able to edit a user # features/admin_priviledges.feature:26
Given I created a user with the login "test@example.com" # features/step_definitions/global_steps.rb:18
And I am viewing the user with login "test@example.com" # features/step_definitions/global_steps.rb:60
Then I should see "Edit this user" # features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb:93
When I click "Edit this user" # features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb:18
Then I should be editing the user with login "test@example.com" # features/step_definitions/global_steps.rb:66
expected: "/users/8/edit",
got: "/users/8" (using ==)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
features/admin_priviledges.feature:31:in `Then I should be editing the user with login "test@example.com"'
When I press "Update" # features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb:14
Then I should be viewing the user with login "test@example.com" # features/step_definitions/global_steps.rb:66
And I should see "User was successfully updated."
Then /^I should be (editing|viewing) the (\w+) with (\w+) "([^\"]*)"$/ do |action,model,field,value|
func = make_func(action,model)
m = find_model_by_field_and_value(model,field,value)
URI.parse(current_url).path.should == eval("#{func}(m)")
这些是相关的步骤。按“更新”是标准的 webrat 步骤(click_button)