我是 perl 初学者,请帮助我完成查询...我正在尝试从爆炸表中提取信息(如下所示):这是标准的爆炸表输入...我基本上想提取读取列表中的任何信息(看看我下面的第二个脚本,以了解我想要做什么)......无论如何,这正是我在第二个脚本中所做的:


1) 爆破台:

38.1    0.53    59544   GH8NFLV01A02ED  GH8NFLV01A02ED rank=0113471 x=305.0 y=211.5 length=345  1   YP_003242370    Dynamin family protein [Paenibacillus sp. Y412MC10] -1  0   48.936170212766 40.4255319148936    47  345 1213    13.6231884057971    3.87469084913438    31  171 544 590
34.3    7.5 123828  GH8NFLV01A03QJ  GH8NFLV01A03QJ rank=0239249 x=305.0 y=1945.5 length=452 1   XP_002639994    Hypothetical protein CBG10824 [Caenorhabditis briggsae] 3   0   52.1739130434783    32.6086956521739    46  452 367 10.1769911504425    12.5340599455041    111 248 79  124
37.7    0.70    62716   GH8NFLV01A09B8  GH8NFLV01A09B8 rank=0119267 x=307.0 y=1014.0 length=512 1   XP_002756773    PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus]   1   0   73.5294117647059    52.9411764705882    34  512 703 6.640625    4.83641536273115    43  144 273 306
37.7    0.98    33114   GH8NFLV01A0H5C  GH8NFLV01A0H5C rank=0066011 x=298.0 y=2638.5 length=573 1   XP_002756773    PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus]   -3  0   73.5294117647059    52.9411764705882    34  573 703 5.93368237347295    4.83641536273115    131 232 273 306
103 1e-020  65742   GH8NFLV01A0MXI  GH8NFLV01A0MXI rank=0124865 x=300.5 y=644.0 length=475  1   ABZ08973    hypothetical protein ALOHA_HF4000APKG6B14ctg1g18 [uncultured marine crenarchaeote HF4000_APKG6B14]  2   0   77.9411764705882    77.9411764705882    68  475 151 14.3157894736842    45.0331125827815    2   205 1   68
41.6    0.053   36083   GH8NFLV01A0QKX  GH8NFLV01A0QKX rank=0071366 x=301.0 y=1279.0 length=526 1   XP_766153   hypothetical protein [Theileria parva strain Muguga]    -1  0   66.6666666666667    56.6666666666667    30  526 304 5.70342205323194    9.86842105263158    392 481 31  60
45.4    0.003   78246   GH8NFLV01A0Z29  GH8NFLV01A0Z29 rank=0148293 x=304.0 y=1315.0 length=432 1   ZP_04111769 hypothetical protein bthur0007_56280 [Bacillus thuringiensis serovar monterrey BGSC 4AJ1]   3   0   51.8518518518518    38.8888888888889    54  432 193 12.5    27.979274611399 48  209 97  150
71.6    4e-011  97250   GH8NFLV01A14MR  GH8NFLV01A14MR rank=0184885 x=317.5 y=609.5 length=314  1   ZP_03823721 DNA replication protein [Acinetobacter sp. ATCC 27244]  1   0   92.5    92.5    40  314 311 12.7388535031847    12.8617363344051    193 312 13  52
58.2    5e-007  154555  GH8NFLV01A1KCH  GH8NFLV01A1KCH rank=0309994 x=310.0 y=2991.0 length=267 1   ZP_03823721 DNA replication protein [Acinetobacter sp. ATCC 27244]  1   0   82.051282051282 82.051282051282 39  267 311 14.6067415730337    12.540192926045 142 258 1   39




37.7    0.70    62716   GH8NFLV01A09B8  GH8NFLV01A09B8 rank=0119267 x=307.0 y=1014.0 length=512 1   XP_002756773    PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus]   1   0   73.5294117647059    52.9411764705882    34  512 703 6.640625    4.83641536273115    43  144 273 306
38.1    0.53    59544   GH8NFLV01A02ED  GH8NFLV01A02ED rank=0113471 x=305.0 y=211.5 length=345  1   YP_003242370    Dynamin family protein [Paenibacillus sp. Y412MC10] -1  0   48.936170212766 40.4255319148936    47  345 1213    13.6231884057971    3.87469084913438    31  171 544 590

我想要第一个列表中的信息子集,给定我要提取的读取名称列表(在第 4 列中找到)而不是散列读取列表(仅?)我想散列爆炸表本身,并使用(爆炸表的)第 4 列中的信息作为键来提取每个键的值,即使该键可能具有多个值(即:每个读取名称实际上可能有多个命中,或关联表中的爆炸结果),请记住,该值包括其中包含该键(读取名称)的整个行。

我的 greplist.pl 脚本可以做到这一点,但是非常慢,我认为,(如果我错了,请纠正我)通过将整个表加载到哈希中,这应该会大大加快速度......


我的剧本:破碎的剧本 (mambo5.pl)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# purpose:  extract blastX data from a list of readnames
use strict;
open (DATA,$ARGV[0]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
open (LIST,$ARGV[1]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
my %hash = <DATA>;
close (DATA);
my $filename=$ARGV[0];
open(OUT, "> $filename.bololom");

my $readName;

while ( <LIST> )
        chomp $readName;
        if (exists $hash{$readName})
            print "bingo!";
            my $output =$hash{$readName};
            print OUT "$output\n";
            print "it aint workin\n";
            #print %hash;
close (LIST);

缓慢而快速的作弊(有效)并且非常慢(我的爆炸表可能大约 400MB 到 2GB 大,我相信你可以明白它为什么这么慢)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script finds a list of names in a blast table and outputs the result in a new file
# name must exist and list must be correctly formatted
# will not output anything using a "normal" blast file, must be a table blast
# if you have the standard blast output use blast2table script

use strict;
my $filein=$ARGV[0] or die ("usage: ./listgrep.pl readslist blast_table\n");
my $db=$ARGV[1] or die ("usage: ./listgrep.pl readslist blast_table\n");
#open the reads you want to grep
my $read;
my $line;
    if ($line=~/^(.*)$/) 
        $read = $1;
        print "$read\n";
        system("grep \"$read\" $db >$read\_.out\n");

    #system("grep $read $db >$read\_.out\n");
system("cat *\_.out >$filein\_greps.txt\n");
system("rm *.out\n");

我不知道如何将第 4 列定义为键:也许我可以使用 split 函数,但我试图找到一种方法对超过 2 列的表执行此操作无济于事...请帮助!如果有一个简单的方法,请告诉我

谢谢 !


3 回答 3


我会做相反的事情,即将 readslist 文件读入散列,然后遍历大爆炸文件并打印所需的行。

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

# Read the readslist file into a hash
open my $fh, '<', 'readslist' or die "Can't open 'readslist' for reading:$!";
my %readslist = map { chomp; $_ => 1 }<$fh>;
close $fh;

open my $fh_blast, '<', 'blastfile' or die "Can't open 'blastfile' for reading:$!";
# loop on all the blastfile lines
while (<$fh_blast>) {
    # retrieve the key (4th column)
    my ($key) = (split/\s+/)[3];
    # print the line if the key exists in the hash
    say $_ if exists $readslist{$key};
close $fh_blast;
于 2012-03-09T10:23:39.503 回答



use strict;
use warnings;

use Fcntl qw/SEEK_SET/;

my %index;

open my $blast, '<', 'blast.txt' or die $!;

until (eof $blast) {
  my $place = tell $blast;
  my $line = <$blast>;
  my $key = (split ' ', $line, 5)[3];
  push @{$index{$key}}, $place;

open my $reads, '<', 'reads.txt' or die $!;

while (<$reads>) {

  next unless my ($key) = /(\S+)/;
  next unless my $places = $index{$key};

  foreach my $place (@$places) {
    seek $blast, $place, SEEK_SET;
    my $line = <$blast>;
    print $line;
于 2012-03-09T11:44:16.553 回答

瞧,有两种方法,一种与 perl 无关:

awk 'BEGIN {while ( i = getline < "reads_list") ar[$i] = $1;} {if ($4 in ar) print $0;}' blast_table > new_blast_table


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# purpose:  extract blastX data from a list of readnames. HINT: Make sure your list file only has unique names , that way you save time. 
use strict;
open (DATA,$ARGV[0]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
open (LIST,$ARGV[1]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
my %hash;
my $val;
my $key;
while (<DATA>)
        #print "$1\n";
        $key= $5;#read
        $val= $1;#whole row; notice the brackets around the whole match.
        $hash{$key} .= exists $hash{$key} ? "$val\n" : $val;
    else {
        print "something wrong with format";
close (DATA);
open(OUT, "> $ARGV[1]\_out\.txt");

my $readName;

while ( <LIST> )
        chomp $readName;
        if (exists $hash{$readName})
            print "$readName\n";
            my $output =$hash{$readName};
            print OUT "$output";
            #print "it aint workin\n";
close (LIST);
close (OUT);

oneliner 更快,可能比我的脚本更好,我相信有些人可以找到更简单的方法来做到这一点......我只是想我会把它放上去,因为它可以满足我的需求。

于 2012-03-10T18:33:57.953 回答