我的 Xcode 只允许我选择 Mac OS X 10.7 作为最早的 Base SDK。是否可以安装额外的基础 SDK?


2 回答 2


I found an old version of Xcode 4.3 on one of my backup disks and dragged a copy of:




It now sits along side the MacOSX10.7.sdk and MacOSX10.8.sdk, which were already there. They came with Xcode 4.4.

I'm running Xcode Version 4.4 (4F250) and OS X 10.8.

After restarting Xcode, remember to go into build settings and set the Base SDK to OS X 10.6 if it defaulted to "Current OS X" and your project requires the 10.6 sdk.

于 2012-07-28T23:08:14.510 回答

您是否有需要 10.6 SDK 的原因?如果您将部署目标设置为 10.6,则可以使用 10.7 SDK,并且您的应用程序将在 10.6 上运行,前提是您没有使用 10.7 中添加的任何内容。

于 2012-03-08T19:46:06.600 回答