我通过从其网站下载示例代码将印象笔记集成到我的应用程序中。否则它工作正常,只是它有一个单例类,其中包含用户名和密码的静态值。此类的 .h 文件如下所示

extern NSString * const username; 
extern NSString * const password; 
@interface Evernote : NSObject {
    Evernote *sharedEvernoteManager;

在 .m 文件中

    NSString * const username = @"username";
    NSString * const password = @"password"; 

@implementation Evernote
     *  Connecting to the Evernote server using simple
     *  authentication

    - (void) connect {

        if (authToken == nil) 
            // In the case we are not connected we don't have an authToken
            // Instantiate the Thrift objects
            NSURL * NSURLuserStoreUri = [[[NSURL alloc] initWithString: userStoreUri] autorelease];

            THTTPClient *userStoreHttpClient = [[[THTTPClient alloc] initWithURL:  NSURLuserStoreUri] autorelease];
            TBinaryProtocol *userStoreProtocol = [[[TBinaryProtocol alloc] initWithTransport:userStoreHttpClient] autorelease];
            EDAMUserStoreClient *userStore = [[[EDAMUserStoreClient alloc] initWithProtocol:userStoreProtocol] autorelease];

            // Check that we can talk to the server
            bool versionOk = [userStore checkVersion: applicationName :[EDAMUserStoreConstants EDAM_VERSION_MAJOR] :    [EDAMUserStoreConstants EDAM_VERSION_MINOR]];

            if (!versionOk) {
               // Alerting the user that the note was created
                UIAlertView *alertDone = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @"Evernote" message: @"Incompatible EDAM client protocol version" delegate: self cancelButtonTitle: @"Ok" otherButtonTitles: nil];

                [alertDone show];
                [alertDone release];


            // Returned result from the Evernote servers after authentication
            EDAMAuthenticationResult* authResult =[userStore authenticate:username :password : consumerKey :consumerSecret];

            // User object describing the account
            self.user = [authResult user];
            // We are going to save the authentication token
            self.authToken = [authResult authenticationToken];
            // and the shard id
            self.shardId = [user shardId];

            // Creating the user's noteStore's URL
            noteStoreUri =  [[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", noteStoreUriBase, shardId] ] autorelease];

            // Creating the User-Agent
            UIDevice *device = [UIDevice currentDevice];
            NSString * userAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@;%@(%@)/%@", applicationName,applicationVersion, [device systemName], [device model], [device systemVersion]]; 

            // Initializing the NoteStore client
            THTTPClient *noteStoreHttpClient = [[[THTTPClient alloc] initWithURL:noteStoreUri userAgent: userAgent timeout:15000] autorelease];
            TBinaryProtocol *noteStoreProtocol = [[[TBinaryProtocol alloc] initWithTransport:noteStoreHttpClient] autorelease];
            noteStore = [[[EDAMNoteStoreClient alloc] initWithProtocol:noteStoreProtocol] retain];



 NSString * const username = usernametextfiled.text;
    NSString * const password = passwrdfiled.text; 

我收到错误消息,提示我们无法在 @implementation 之前添加文本字段。如何解决这个问题?


1 回答 1

@interface Evernote : NSObject

@property(retain) NSString * username;

@property(retain) NSString * password;


@implementation Evernote

 @synthesize username;
 @synthesize password;


[[Evernote sharedEvernoteManager]setusername:yourvariable];
[[Evernote sharedEvernoteManager]setpassword:yourvariable];


于 2012-03-05T06:37:37.330 回答