我有使用 Crypto API 来加密字符串的本机代码(Powerbuilder)。我需要 C# 代码来解密加密的数据。有人可以给我一个提示或样本吗?
private function blob of_encryptdecrypt (blob ablob_data, string as_password, boolean ab_encrypt)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT: n_cryptoapi.of_EncryptDecrypt
// PURPOSE: This function will encrypt/decrypt the blob passed to it. Both
// encrypt/decrypt have the same api calls except one so they
// are combined to save coding.
// ARGUMENTS: ablob_data - The blob to be decrypted
// as_password - The secret password
// RETURN: Blob containing the decrypted data.
// ---------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------
// 12/26/2006 RolandS Initial Coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULong hCryptProv, hHash, hKey
ULong lul_datalen, lul_buflen, lul_error
Blob lblob_buffer, lblob_value
String ls_msgtext
string ls_password
// Get handle to CSP
If Not CryptAcquireContext(hCryptProv, KEY_CONTAINER, is_cryptoservice, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0) Then
If Not CryptAcquireContext(hCryptProv, KEY_CONTAINER, is_cryptoservice, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET) Then
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptAcquireContext:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
End If
// Create a hash object
If Not CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, hHash) Then
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptCreateHash:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
// Hash the password
If Not CryptHashData(hHash,as_password, Len(as_password), 0) Then
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptHashData:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
// Derive a session key from the hash object
If Not CryptDeriveKey(hCryptProv, ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM, hHash, 0, hKey) Then
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptDeriveKey:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
// allocate buffer space
lul_datalen = Len(ablob_data)
lblob_buffer = ablob_data + Blob(Space(8))
lul_buflen = Len(lblob_buffer)
If ab_encrypt Then
// Encrypt data
If CryptEncrypt(hKey, 0, True, 0, lblob_buffer, lul_datalen, lul_buflen) Then
lblob_value = BlobMid(lblob_buffer, 1, lul_datalen)
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptEncrypt:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
// Decrypt data
If CryptDecrypt(hKey, 0, True, 0, lblob_buffer, lul_datalen) Then
lblob_value = BlobMid(lblob_buffer, 1, lul_datalen)
of_GetLastError(lul_error, ls_msgtext)
SignalError(lul_error, "CryptDecrypt:~r~n~r~n" + ls_msgtext)
End If
End If
// Destroy session key
If hKey > 0 Then
End If
// Destroy hash object
If hHash > 0 Then
End If
// Release CSP handle
If hCryptProv > 0 Then
CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0)
End If
Return lblob_value
end function