在过去的几年里,我有一个项目进行了点点滴滴的更改和修改,并且从一个代码模块到下一个代码模块的大部分内容都是非标准化的。在某些情况下,我使用了一个Scripting.Dictionary对象,而在其他情况下,我有一个Collection对象。对于其中的每一个,有时会按 count (即For i = 1 to Obj.Count)进行迭代,有时会按For...Each.


我尝试创建一个测试子来帮助我确定哪种方法效果最好,但结果有些不一致。Item总体而言,循环通过a中的每个似乎Dictionary更快,但在某些情况下,我的测试结果显示通过Itema 中的每个循环Collection更快。差异可能取决于任何给定时间系统中发生的所有其他事情。



Option Explicit

Sub Test_Dictionary_Iteration_Speed()

Dim Coll1 As New Collection, Coll2 As New Collection
Dim Dict1 As New Scripting.Dictionary, Dict2 As New Scripting.Dictionary, Dict3 As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer
Dim StartTime As Single, StopTime As Single
Dim v As Variant
Dim Obj As TestObject 'A custom Class that has only one member variable, MainVal, and no functions/subs

    For i = 0 To 32766
        Set Obj = New TestObject
        Obj.MainVal = i
        Dict1.Add CStr(i), Obj
        Dict2.Add CStr(i), Obj
        Dict3.Add CStr(i), Obj
        Coll1.Add Obj, CStr(i)
        Coll2.Add Obj, CStr(i)
    Next i

    StartTime = Timer()

    For j = 0 To Dict1.Count - 1
        l = CInt(Dict1(CStr(j)).MainVal)
        Set Obj = Dict1(CStr(l)) 'Do something useful within the loop
        Set Obj = Nothing
        Dict1.Remove CStr(l)
    Next j

    StopTime = Timer()

    Debug.Print "Dict1 for x to y: " & StopTime - StartTime

    StartTime = Timer()

    For Each v In Dict2.Items
        l = CInt(v.MainVal)
        Set Obj = Dict2(CStr(l))
        Set Obj = Nothing
        Dict2.Remove CStr(l)
    Next v

    StopTime = Timer()

    Debug.Print "Dict2 for each item: " & StopTime - StartTime

    StartTime = Timer()

    For Each v In Dict3.Keys
        l = CInt(Dict3(v).MainVal)
        Set Obj = Dict3(CStr(l))
        Set Obj = Nothing
        Dict3.Remove CStr(l)
    Next v

    StopTime = Timer()

    Debug.Print "Dict3 for each key: " & StopTime - StartTime

    '---------- Division between Dictionary and Collection

    StartTime = Timer()

    For j = 0 To Coll1.Count - 1
        l = CInt(Coll1(CStr(j)).MainVal)
        Set Obj = Coll1(CStr(l))
        Set Obj = Nothing
        Coll1.Remove CStr(l)
    Next j

    StopTime = Timer()

    Debug.Print "Coll1 for x to y: " & StopTime - StartTime

    StartTime = Timer()

    For Each v In Coll2
        l = CInt(v.MainVal)
        Set Obj = Coll2(CStr(l))
        Set Obj = Nothing
        Coll2.Remove CStr(l)
    Next v

    StopTime = Timer()

    Debug.Print "Coll2 for each item: " & StopTime - StartTime

    Debug.Print vbNewLine & "-----" & vbNewLine   

End Sub


x 到 y 的 Dict1:0.2011719
每个项目的 Dict2:0.1738281
每个键的 Dict3:0.2167969
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.2050781
每个项目的 Coll2:0.1386719

Dict1 for x to y: 0.1875
Dict2 for each item: 0.171875
Dict3 for each key: 0.234375
Coll1 for x to y: 0.2050781
Coll2 for each item: 0.1542969

Dict1 for x to y: 0.25
Dict2 for each item: 0.21875
Dict3 for each key: 0.265625
Coll1 for x to y: 0.234375
Coll2 for each item: 0.171875

x 到 y 的 Dict1:0.265625
每个项目的 Dict2:0.203125
每个键的 Dict3:0.296875
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.234375
每个项目的 Coll2:0.21875

Dict1 for x to y: 0.265625
Dict2 for each item: 0.1875
Dict3 for each key: 0.234375
Coll1 for x to y: 0.203125
Coll2 for each item: 0.15625

Dict1 for x to y: 0.28125
Dict2 for each item: 0.1875
Dict3 for each key: 0.25
Coll1 for x to y: 0.234375
Coll2 for each item: 0.1875

x 到 y 的 Dict1 :0.28125
每个项目的 Dict2:0.21875
每个键的 Dict3:0.328125
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.234375
每个项目的 Coll2:0.234375


1 回答 1



For Each结构很好,简洁整洁。不使用它的唯一原因是,如果您要从正在循环的集合中删除项目。然后,您可能会跳过某些项目。如果您打算删除项目,请向后循环索引。

于 2012-06-20T15:57:02.990 回答