对象。对于其中的每一个,有时会按 count (即For i = 1 to Obj.Count
a 中的每个循环Collection
Option Explicit
Sub Test_Dictionary_Iteration_Speed()
Dim Coll1 As New Collection, Coll2 As New Collection
Dim Dict1 As New Scripting.Dictionary, Dict2 As New Scripting.Dictionary, Dict3 As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer
Dim StartTime As Single, StopTime As Single
Dim v As Variant
Dim Obj As TestObject 'A custom Class that has only one member variable, MainVal, and no functions/subs
For i = 0 To 32766
Set Obj = New TestObject
Obj.MainVal = i
Dict1.Add CStr(i), Obj
Dict2.Add CStr(i), Obj
Dict3.Add CStr(i), Obj
Coll1.Add Obj, CStr(i)
Coll2.Add Obj, CStr(i)
Next i
StartTime = Timer()
For j = 0 To Dict1.Count - 1
l = CInt(Dict1(CStr(j)).MainVal)
Set Obj = Dict1(CStr(l)) 'Do something useful within the loop
Set Obj = Nothing
Dict1.Remove CStr(l)
Next j
StopTime = Timer()
Debug.Print "Dict1 for x to y: " & StopTime - StartTime
StartTime = Timer()
For Each v In Dict2.Items
l = CInt(v.MainVal)
Set Obj = Dict2(CStr(l))
Set Obj = Nothing
Dict2.Remove CStr(l)
Next v
StopTime = Timer()
Debug.Print "Dict2 for each item: " & StopTime - StartTime
StartTime = Timer()
For Each v In Dict3.Keys
l = CInt(Dict3(v).MainVal)
Set Obj = Dict3(CStr(l))
Set Obj = Nothing
Dict3.Remove CStr(l)
Next v
StopTime = Timer()
Debug.Print "Dict3 for each key: " & StopTime - StartTime
'---------- Division between Dictionary and Collection
StartTime = Timer()
For j = 0 To Coll1.Count - 1
l = CInt(Coll1(CStr(j)).MainVal)
Set Obj = Coll1(CStr(l))
Set Obj = Nothing
Coll1.Remove CStr(l)
Next j
StopTime = Timer()
Debug.Print "Coll1 for x to y: " & StopTime - StartTime
StartTime = Timer()
For Each v In Coll2
l = CInt(v.MainVal)
Set Obj = Coll2(CStr(l))
Set Obj = Nothing
Coll2.Remove CStr(l)
Next v
StopTime = Timer()
Debug.Print "Coll2 for each item: " & StopTime - StartTime
Debug.Print vbNewLine & "-----" & vbNewLine
End Sub
x 到 y 的 Dict1:0.2011719
每个项目的 Dict2:0.1738281
每个键的 Dict3:0.2167969
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.2050781
每个项目的 Coll2:0.1386719
Dict1 for x to y: 0.1875
Dict2 for each item: 0.171875
Dict3 for each key: 0.234375
Coll1 for x to y: 0.2050781
Coll2 for each item: 0.1542969
Dict1 for x to y: 0.25
Dict2 for each item: 0.21875
Dict3 for each key: 0.265625
Coll1 for x to y: 0.234375
Coll2 for each item: 0.171875
x 到 y 的 Dict1:0.265625
每个项目的 Dict2:0.203125
每个键的 Dict3:0.296875
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.234375
每个项目的 Coll2:0.21875
Dict1 for x to y: 0.265625
Dict2 for each item: 0.1875
Dict3 for each key: 0.234375
Coll1 for x to y: 0.203125
Coll2 for each item: 0.15625
Dict1 for x to y: 0.28125
Dict2 for each item: 0.1875
Dict3 for each key: 0.25
Coll1 for x to y: 0.234375
Coll2 for each item: 0.1875
x 到 y 的 Dict1 :0.28125
每个项目的 Dict2:0.21875
每个键的 Dict3:0.328125
x 到 y 的 Coll1:0.234375
每个项目的 Coll2:0.234375