当我从 Java EE 5 教程 onnetbeans 6.7 rc1 和 glassfish 2.1 部署 bookstore1 应用程序时,我收到此错误:

在域中部署应用程序失败;为模块 [bookstore1] 加载部署描述符时出错 - UnsupportedClassVersionError: Class com.sun.bookstore1.servlets.CashierServlet 具有不受支持的主要或次要版本号,这些版本号大于 Java 运行时环境版本 1.5.0_16 中的版本号


1 回答 1


I find solution myself :

Altough in project properties Java Platform was set to 1.6 and source/binary format were also set to 1.6. the actual sources were written in 1.5. The confliect was on the stage of trying read source format in 1.6. I set source format to 15 and everything works clean and shiny :)

于 2009-06-05T02:35:29.843 回答