在自组织神经网络(Kohonen 图)中,节点的权重与 2D 网络中的坐标有何关系。地图是否根据该位置的位置坐标或权重自组织。
我正在尝试使用 MPI 实现下面显示的算法
,节点数;G = (g_ij)
,最近邻的知识输出:节点位置p_i = (x_i,y_j), i,j = 1,......,N
// Initialization of the node locations
for all nodes i do
p_i = (x_i,y_j) = random();
end for
// Main Loop
for t = 1 to N_iter do
p = (x,y) = random()
for all network nodes i, update its location
for j=1 to N
x_i (t+1) = x_i (t) +α(t) δ_ij [x-x_i(t)]
y_i (t+1) = y_i (t) +α(t) δ_ij [y-y_i(t)]
for k=1 to N
for m=1 to N
tmp += g_km exp{ ||p-p_k||2 } exp{ ||p-p_m||2 }
end for
end for
δ_ij = g_ij exp{ ||p-p_i||2 } exp{ ||p-p_j||2 } / tmp
end for
end for
end for