如何使用 JSR 256 检测电源线何时从电源插座中拔出?


2 回答 2


快速浏览一下 JSR 的规范:

(您可能想查找代码示例,从规范本身的附录 D、最新的 JavaME SDK、索尼爱立信开发者网站开始,然后是 google)

与往常一样,我会担心 JSR 的不同实现中的碎片化,但这是我的第一个想法:

import javax.microedition.sensor.*;

SensorInfo[] powerSensorInfoArray = SensorManager.findSensors("power","ambient");

//let's assume there is one SensorInfo in the array.

//open a connection to the sensor.

SensorConnection connection = (SensorConnection)Connector.open(powerSensorInfoArray[0].getUrl(), Connector.READ);

// add a DataListener to the connection

connection.setDataListener(new MyDataListener(), 1);

// implement the data listener

public class MyDataListener implements DataListener {

public void dataReceived(SensorConnection aSensor, Data[] aDataArray, boolean isDataLost) {

//let's assume there is only one channel for the sensor and no data was lost.

// figure out what kind of data the channel provides.

int dataType = aDataArray[0].getChannelInfo().getDataType();

//now, I suggest you switch on dataType and print the value on the screen

// experimentation on the JSR256 implementation you're targetting seems to be

// the only way to figure out out power data is formatted and what values mean.

//only one of the following 3 lines will work:

double[] valueArray = aDataArray[0].getDoubleValues();
int[] valueArray = aDataArray[0].getIntValues();
Object[] valueArray = aDataArray[0].getObjectValues();

// let's assume one value in the valueArray

String valueToPrint = "" + valueArray[0];

// see what happens with that and you plug or unplug the power supply cable.



您需要添加javax.microedition.io.Connector.sensor到您的 MIDlet 权限。

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索尼爱立信 Satio 电话(S60 第 5 版)上的 JSR-256 实施文档:


  • 数量:battery_charge

  • 上下文类型:设备

  • URL:传感器:battery_charge;contextType=device;model=SonyEricsson

  • 渠道:(索引:名称、范围、单位)

  • 0:电池充电,0-100,百分比

  • 1:充电器状态,0-1,布尔值

于 2009-06-04T15:18:05.707 回答

您可以将 javax.microedition.io.Connector.sensor 添加到项目属性的 Application Descriptor 的 API Permissions 选项卡中。

于 2010-05-05T14:38:14.330 回答