I am creating an ipad app where I add many UIImageviews over other UIViews and UIImageviews. I am not sure whether to use strong or weak while adding UIImageviews as subviews . I have created a project without ARC and now I am looking forward to convert it to ARC(because of "easy memory management") but still not sure about how should I type(weak/strong) my views.


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如果您的父类是 UIView 的子类,那么您实际上是在向视图添加子视图。所以 addSubview 方法为你的视图添加一个强引用。您可以使用弱引用。

如果您的父类是 UIViewController 的子类,那么您并没有真正将子视图添加到视图中。因此,没有什么可以为您的对象添加强引用。使用强参考。

于 2012-02-27T13:13:29.153 回答