I'd like to ask if there is any way in XSLT to take line by line of text in some element and apply something to that line. For example i have

Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C    
Directory of  C:\

10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    bin
10/16/97  14:11         &lt;DIR&gt;    DOS
10/16/97  14:40         &lt;DIR&gt;    Program Files
10/16/97  14:46         &lt;DIR&gt;    TEMP
10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    tmp
10/16/97  14:37         &lt;DIR&gt;    WINNT
10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT
2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM
10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS
11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386

and I would like to take line by line and put white space (bracket, hyphen etc.) before every line.

Thank you for any help :-)


2 回答 2


一、XSLT 2.0解决方案:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/*">
   <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(., '\r?\n')">
    line: <xsl:sequence select="."/>

当此转换应用于提供的 XML 文档时

    Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C
    Directory of  C:\

    10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    bin
    10/16/97  14:11         &lt;DIR&gt;    DOS
    10/16/97  14:40         &lt;DIR&gt;    Program Files
    10/16/97  14:46         &lt;DIR&gt;    TEMP
    10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    tmp
    10/16/97  14:37         &lt;DIR&gt;    WINNT
    10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT
    2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM
    10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS
    11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
    2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386

产生了想要的正确结果(文本节点的每一行都由字符串前置"line: "

    line:     Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C
    line:     Directory of  C:\
    line:     10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    bin
    line:     10/16/97  14:11         &lt;DIR&gt;    DOS
    line:     10/16/97  14:40         &lt;DIR&gt;    Program Files
    line:     10/16/97  14:46         &lt;DIR&gt;    TEMP
    line:     10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    tmp
    line:     10/16/97  14:37         &lt;DIR&gt;    WINNT
    line:     10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT
    line:     2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM
    line:     10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS
    line:     11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
    line:     2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386
    line: </screen>


适当地使用tokenize()带有第二个参数的函数 RegEx,它允许可选的 CR 位于 NL 字符之前。

二、XSLT 1.0 解决方案

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

 <xsl:template match="text()" name="lines">
  <xsl:param name="pText" select="."/>

  <xsl:if test="string-length($pText)">
   line: <xsl:text/>

   <xsl:value-of select=
   "substring-before(concat($pText, '&#xA;'), '&#xA;')"/>

   <xsl:call-template name="lines">
    <xsl:with-param name="pText" select=
     "substring-after($pText, '&#xA;')"/>

当这个 XSLT 1.0 转换应用于同一个 XML 文档(上图)时,会产生所需的结果(文本节点的每一行,前面都带有 string "line: "):

   line:     Volume in drive C is SYSTEM         Serial number is 2350:717C
   line:     Directory of  C:\
   line:     10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    bin
   line:     10/16/97  14:11         &lt;DIR&gt;    DOS
   line:     10/16/97  14:40         &lt;DIR&gt;    Program Files
   line:     10/16/97  14:46         &lt;DIR&gt;    TEMP
   line:     10/17/97   9:04         &lt;DIR&gt;    tmp
   line:     10/16/97  14:37         &lt;DIR&gt;    WINNT
   line:     10/16/97  14:25             119  AUTOEXEC.BAT
   line:     2/13/94   6:21          54,619  COMMAND.COM
   line:     10/16/97  14:25             115  CONFIG.SYS
   line:     11/16/97  17:17      61,865,984  pagefile.sys
   line:     2/13/94   6:21           9,349  WINA20.386


  1. 递归命名模板以提取和输出下一行。停止条件——当字符串长度为零时。

  2. 适当使用substring-before(),substring-after()哨兵技术以最小化代码长度和复杂性。

于 2012-02-25T18:28:25.500 回答

使用 Saxon 9 或 AltovaXML 工具和其他工具支持的 XSLT 2.0,您可以使用该tokenize功能,例如

<xsl:template match="screen">
  <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(., '\n')">
    <xsl:value-of select="concat('-', .)"/>

使用 XSLT 1.0,您可以检查您的处理器是否支持像http://www.exslt.org/str/functions/tokenize/index.html这样的扩展功能。

于 2012-02-25T18:08:58.697 回答