In my project, I use QWizard and QWizardPages, but at last I found these classes have too much restrict, and I want to modify their source code. But I think it's not a good idea to directly modify qt source, but copy them to my project folder and rename the class names. Is their somebody do the same thing before? I can't compile the files successfully, it seems qMywizard.cpp include the generated moc file of qMywizard.h at the end, and the moc file can't be compile without the QMyWizardPrivate definition. I'm also afraid that many macros can't be recognized when files change location. Can anyone give me some advice?


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Qt 源代码在 git 中。克隆它,创建一个分支,在那里编写你的修改并使用他们的构建系统编译它。此外,请务必了解并遵守修改的许可义务(尤其是在您使用 LGPL 的情况下)。

于 2012-02-24T10:48:26.000 回答