我无法在 java 中实现统一的交叉。这是算法;
// Uniform Crossover
public void UniformCrossover(Individual indi) {
if (RVGA.rand.nextDouble() < pc) {
// Put your implementation of uniform crossover here
// For each gene create a random number in [0, 1].
// If the number is less than 0.5, swap the gene values in
// the parents for this gene; other wise, no swapping .
我知道我可以int tmp
存储随机数,然后if tmp < 0.5
一个点交叉 - 选择交叉点,从染色体开头到交叉点的二进制字符串从一个父节点复制,其余的从第二个父节点复制。
父母 1 = 染色体和父母 2 = indi。
public void onePointCrossover(Individual indi) {
if (SGA.rand.nextDouble() < pc) {
int xoverpoint = SGA.rand.nextInt(length);
int tmp;
for (int i=xoverpoint; i<length; i++){
tmp = chromosome[i];
chromosome[i] = indi.chromosome[i];
indi.chromosome[i] = tmp;