ipmitool sel elist

在 R610 输出上:

1 | 08/01/2011 | 23:18:11 | Event Logging Disabled SEL | Log area reset/cleared | Asserted
2 | Pre-Init Time-stamp   | Physical Security Intrusion | General Chassis intrusion | Asserted
3 | Pre-Init Time-stamp   | Physical Security Intrusion | General Chassis intrusion | Deasserted
4 | 01/31/2012 | 11:32:50 | Temperature #0x30 | Upper Critical going high

在 R810 上:

Severity          : Normal
Date and Time     : System Boot
Description       : The chassis is closed while the power is On.
Event Data        : 0x80 0x02 0xff

我担心消息的严重性。我正在开发一个代码,如果消息很重要,它将发送一封电子邮件。但在 R610 的情况下,无法确定消息的严重性。


1 回答 1


如果您尝试从 SEL 读取实际数据,则需要使用ipmitool sel get命令而不是ipmitool sel elist命令。

ipmitool sel get命令返回事件日志中相关项目的详细信息分类。


machine:/ # ipmitool sel get 0x2c
SEL Record ID          : 002c
 Record Type           : 02
 Timestamp             : 02/13/2012 17:49:21
 Generator ID          : 0021
 EvM Revision          : 04
 Sensor Type           : Voltage
 Sensor Number         : 60
 Event Type            : Threshold
 Event Direction       : Assertion Event
 Event Data            : 02ffff
 Description           : Lower Critical going low 
于 2012-02-13T17:52:31.450 回答