我寻求一个 perl 模块来将 CppUnit 输出转换为 TAP 格式。之后我想使用证明命令来运行和检查测试。
638 次
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最近我正在从junit xml进行一些转换(虽然不是TAP格式)。使用 XML::Twig 模块很容易做到。您的代码应如下所示:
use XML::Twig;
my %hash;
my $twig = XML::Twig->new(
twig_handlers => {
testcase => sub { # this gets called per each testcase in XML
my ($t, $e) = @_;
my $testcase = $e->att("name");
my $error = $e->field("error") || $e->field("failure");
my $ok = defined $error ? "not ok" : "ok";
# you may want to collect
# testcase name, result, error message, etc into hash
$hash{$testcase}{result} = $ok;
$hash{$testcase}{error} = $error;
# ...
# Now XML processing is done, print hash out in TAP format:
print "1..", scalar(keys(%hash)), "\n";
foreach my $testcase (keys %hash) {
# print out testcase result using info from hash
# don't forget to add leading space for errors
# ...
于 2012-10-18T06:03:21.390 回答