编辑/更正: 更正了代码以通过scipy 测试:
Here's an answer based on endolith's answer,但几乎消除了通过使用 float64 对数表示进行基本比较以找到通过标准的三重值的长多精度整数计算,只有在对数有机会时才诉诸全精度比较值可能不够准确,仅当目标非常接近前一个或下一个常规数字时才会发生:
import math
def next_regulary(target):
Find the next regular number greater than or equal to target.
if target < 2: return ( 0, 0, 0 )
log2hi = 0
mant = 0
# Check if it's already a power of 2 (or a non-integer)
mant = target & (target - 1)
target = int(target) # take care of case where not int/float/decimal
except TypeError:
# Convert floats/decimals for further processing
target = int(math.ceil(target))
mant = target & (target - 1)
# Quickly find next power of 2 >= target
# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/19164783/125507
log2hi = target.bit_length()
except AttributeError:
# Fallback for Python <2.7
log2hi = len(bin(target)) - 2
# exit if this is a power of two already...
if not mant: return ( log2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
# take care of trivial cases...
if target < 9:
if target < 4: return ( 0, 1, 0 )
elif target < 6: return ( 0, 0, 1 )
elif target < 7: return ( 1, 1, 0 )
else: return ( 3, 0, 0 )
# find log of target, which may exceed the float64 limit...
if log2hi < 53: mant = target << (53 - log2hi)
else: mant = target >> (log2hi - 53)
log2target = log2hi + math.log2(float(mant) / (1 << 53))
# log2 constants
log2of2 = 1.0; log2of3 = math.log2(3); log2of5 = math.log2(5)
# calculate range of log2 values close to target;
# desired number has a logarithm of log2target <= x <= top...
fctr = 6 * log2of3 * log2of5
top = (log2target**3 + 2 * fctr)**(1/3) # for up to 2 numbers higher
btm = 2 * log2target - top # or up to 2 numbers lower
match = log2hi # Anything found will be smaller
result = ( log2hi, 0, 0 ) # placeholder for eventual matches
count = 0 # only used for debugging counting band
fives = 0; fiveslmt = int(math.ceil(top / log2of5))
while fives < fiveslmt:
log2p = top - fives * log2of5
threes = 0; threeslmt = int(math.ceil(log2p / log2of3))
while threes < threeslmt:
log2q = log2p - threes * log2of3
twos = int(math.floor(log2q)); log2this = top - log2q + twos
if log2this >= btm: count += 1 # only used for counting band
if log2this >= btm and log2this < match:
# logarithm precision may not be enough to differential between
# the next lower regular number and the target, so do
# a full resolution comparison to eliminate this case...
if (2**twos * 3**threes * 5**fives) >= target:
match = log2this; result = ( twos, threes, fives )
threes += 1
fives += 1
return result
print(next_regular(2**2 * 3**454 * 5**249 + 1)) # prints (142, 80, 444)
由于消除了大多数长的多精度计算,因此不需要 gmpy,并且在 IDEOne 上,对于 endolith 的解决方案,上述代码需要 0.11 秒而不是 0.48 秒来找到下一个大于百万分之一的常规数字,如图所示;(761,572,489)
找到十亿之后的下一个常规数字(下一个是过去)需要 0.49 秒而不是 5.48 秒(1334,335,404) + 1
,并且随着范围的增加,与 endolith 版本相比,多精度计算变得越来越长,差异会变得更大这里几乎没有。因此,这个版本可以在 IDEOne 上大约 50 秒内从序列中的万亿分之一计算出下一个常规数字,而 endolith 版本可能需要一个多小时。
该算法的英文描述与 endolith 版本几乎相同,不同之处如下: 1)计算参数目标值的浮点对数估计(我们不能使用内置log
直接函数,因为范围可能太大而无法表示为 64 位浮点数),2) 比较日志表示值以确定在估计范围内的限定值,高于和低于大约两个或三个数字的目标值(取决于在四舍五入时),3)仅在上述定义的窄带内比较多精度值,4)输出三重索引而不是完整的长多精度整数(对于十亿分之一,将是大约 840 个十进制数字,是万亿分之一的十倍),然后可以根据需要轻松转换为长多精度值。
除了用于可能非常大的多精度整数目标值、大约相同大小的中间评估比较值以及三元组的输出扩展(如果需要)之外,该算法几乎不使用任何内存。该算法是对 endolith 版本的改进,它成功地将对数值用于大多数比较,尽管它们缺乏精度,并且它将比较数字的范围缩小到只有几个。
该算法适用于略高于 10 万亿的参数范围(在 IDEOne 速率下只需几分钟的计算时间),因为根据@WillNess 的讨论,由于日志表示值缺乏精度,它不再正确;为了解决这个问题,我们可以将日志表示更改为由固定长度整数组成的“roll-your-own”对数表示(124 位大约是指数范围的两倍,适用于超过十万位的目标,如果一个愿意等待);由于较小的多精度整数运算比 float64 运算慢,所以这会慢一点,但由于大小有限(可能慢三倍左右),所以速度不会慢很多。
现在这些 Python 实现(不使用 C 或 Cython 或 PyPy 或其他东西)都不是特别快,因为它们比用编译语言实现慢大约一百倍。作为参考,这里是一个 Haskell 版本:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O3 #-}
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
nextRegular :: Integer -> ( Word32, Word32, Word32 )
nextRegular target
| target < 2 = ( 0, 0, 0 )
| target .&. (target - 1) == 0 = ( fromIntegral lg2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
| target < 9 = case target of
3 -> ( 0, 1, 0 )
5 -> ( 0, 0, 1 )
6 -> ( 1, 1, 0 )
_ -> ( 3, 0, 0 )
| otherwise = match
lg3 = logBase 2 3 :: Double; lg5 = logBase 2 5 :: Double
lg2hi = let cntplcs v cnt =
let nv = v `shiftR` 31 in
if nv <= 0 then
let cntbts x c =
if x <= 0 then c else
case c + 1 of
nc -> nc `seq` cntbts (x `shiftR` 1) nc in
cntbts (fromIntegral v :: Word32) cnt
else case cnt + 31 of ncnt -> ncnt `seq` cntplcs nv ncnt
in cntplcs target 0
lg2tgt = let mant = if lg2hi <= 53 then target `shiftL` (53 - lg2hi)
else target `shiftR` (lg2hi - 53)
in fromIntegral lg2hi +
logBase 2 (fromIntegral mant / 2^53 :: Double)
lg2top = (lg2tgt^3 + 2 * 6 * lg3 * lg5)**(1/3) -- for 2 numbers or so higher
lg2btm = 2* lg2tgt - lg2top -- or two numbers or so lower
match =
let klmt = floor (lg2top / lg5)
loopk k mtchlgk mtchtplk =
if k > klmt then mtchtplk else
let p = lg2top - fromIntegral k * lg5
jlmt = fromIntegral $ floor (p / lg3)
loopj j mtchlgj mtchtplj =
if j > jlmt then loopk (k + 1) mtchlgj mtchtplj else
let q = p - fromIntegral j * lg3
( i, frac ) = properFraction q; r = lg2top - frac
( nmtchlg, nmtchtpl ) =
if r < lg2btm || r >= mtchlgj then
( mtchlgj, mtchtplj ) else
if 2^i * 3^j * 5^k >= target then
( r, ( i, j, k ) ) else ( mtchlgj, mtchtplj )
in nmtchlg `seq` nmtchtpl `seq` loopj (j + 1) nmtchlg nmtchtpl
in loopj 0 mtchlgk mtchtplk
in loopk 0 (fromIntegral lg2hi) ( fromIntegral lg2hi, 0, 0 )
trival :: ( Word32, Word32, Word32 ) -> Integer
trival (i,j,k) = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k
main = putStrLn $ show $ nextRegular $ (trival (1334,335,404)) + 1 -- (1126,16930,40)
此代码在 IDEOne 上计算十亿分之一后的下一个常规数字,时间太短而无法测量,并在 IDEOne 上在 0.69 秒内计算万亿分之一(并且可能运行得更快,除非 IDEOne 不支持 LLVM)。在 JIT 编译的“热身”之后,甚至 Julia 也会以类似 Haskell 的速度运行。
EDIT_ADD: Julia 代码如下:
function nextregular(target :: BigInt) :: Tuple{ UInt32, UInt32, UInt32 }
# trivial case of first value or anything less...
target < 2 && return ( 0, 0, 0 )
# Check if it's already a power of 2 (or a non-integer)
mant = target & (target - 1)
# Quickly find next power of 2 >= target
log2hi :: UInt32 = 0
test = target
while true
next = test & 0x7FFFFFFF
test >>>= 31; log2hi += 31
test <= 0 && (log2hi -= leading_zeros(UInt32(next)) - 1; break)
# exit if this is a power of two already...
mant == 0 && return ( log2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
# take care of trivial cases...
if target < 9
target < 4 && return ( 0, 1, 0 )
target < 6 && return ( 0, 0, 1 )
target < 7 && return ( 1, 1, 0 )
return ( 3, 0, 0 )
# find log of target, which may exceed the Float64 limit...
if log2hi < 53 mant = target << (53 - log2hi)
else mant = target >>> (log2hi - 53) end
log2target = log2hi + log(2, Float64(mant) / (1 << 53))
# log2 constants
log2of2 = 1.0; log2of3 = log(2, 3); log2of5 = log(2, 5)
# calculate range of log2 values close to target;
# desired number has a logarithm of log2target <= x <= top...
fctr = 6 * log2of3 * log2of5
top = (log2target^3 + 2 * fctr)^(1/3) # for 2 numbers or so higher
btm = 2 * log2target - top # or 2 numbers or so lower
# scan for values in the given narrow range that satisfy the criteria...
match = log2hi # Anything found will be smaller
result :: Tuple{UInt32,UInt32,UInt32} = ( log2hi, 0, 0 ) # placeholder for eventual matches
fives :: UInt32 = 0; fiveslmt = UInt32(ceil(top / log2of5))
while fives < fiveslmt
log2p = top - fives * log2of5
threes :: UInt32 = 0; threeslmt = UInt32(ceil(log2p / log2of3))
while threes < threeslmt
log2q = log2p - threes * log2of3
twos = UInt32(floor(log2q)); log2this = top - log2q + twos
if log2this >= btm && log2this < match
# logarithm precision may not be enough to differential between
# the next lower regular number and the target, so do
# a full resolution comparison to eliminate this case...
if (big(2)^twos * big(3)^threes * big(5)^fives) >= target
match = log2this; result = ( twos, threes, fives )
threes += 1
fives += 1