When I'm creating an achievement using the command line like this:

curl -d "access_token=[app-access-token]" https://graph.facebook.com/[my-fb-id]/achievements?achievement=http://beta-app.tetrisstars.com/www/resources/fb_achievements/tetrisstars_beta/SingleSolo-mission_1.html

it returns something like this: {"id":"2488619866064"}

So that seems fine, right? Yet, the achievement does not appear in my timeline.

When I create an achievement for our internal test app:

curl -d "access_token=[app-access-token]" https://graph.facebook.com/[my-fb-id]/achievements?achievement=http://ec2-50-16-187-231.compute-1.amazonaws.com/tetris_stars/www/resources/fb_achievements/ts_devtest/SingleSolo-mission_1.html

I do see the achievement in my timeline. Also when I enter the achievement URL in the object debugger, everything seems to be fine.

I did run into a problem earlier, where initially it didn't want to register my achievements, saying all the time: {"error":{"message":"(#3502) Object at achievement URL is not of type game.achievement","type":"OAuthException"}} even though I was using exactly the same method to register as for our other apps.

Only after a lot of searching did I figure out I had to set my App Domain in the app settings, something I didn't need to do for the other apps like the ts_devtest app above. A better error message could have saved me considerable time.

Apparently somehow Facebook is treating the two apps differently. But gives no clue how, why or what. Anything else I need to do to make the achievements appear in the timeline? Our high-scores appear there fine, it's just the achievements that are not appearing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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