我的 sql 2008 服务器中有大约 10 个表。
目前,我的 mdf 大约是 3.5Gig。(我在一些表中也有一些二进制数据)。所以,我想知道是否有一种方法可以查看哪些表是最大的。
也许它是一个索引或 FTS 目录?
我的 sql 2008 服务器中有大约 10 个表。
目前,我的 mdf 大约是 3.5Gig。(我在一些表中也有一些二进制数据)。所以,我想知道是否有一种方法可以查看哪些表是最大的。
也许它是一个索引或 FTS 目录?
** File: “GetTableSpaceUseage.sql”
** Name: Get Table Space Useage for a specific schema
** Auth: Robert C. Cain
** Date: 01/27/2008
** Desc: Calls the sp_spaceused proc for each table in a schema and returns
** the Table Name, Number of Rows, and space used for each table.
** Called by:
** n/a – As needed
** Input Parameters:
** In the code check the value of @schemaname, if you need it for a
** schema other than dbo be sure to change it.
** Output Parameters:
** NA
/* Drop the temp table if it's there from a previous run */
if object_id(N'tempdb..[#TableSizes]') is not null
drop table #TableSizes ;
/* Create the temp table */
create table #TableSizes
[Table Name] nvarchar(128) /* Name of the table */
, [Number of Rows] char(11) /* Number of rows existing in the table. */
, [Reserved Space] varchar(18) /* Reserved space for table. */
, [Data Space] varchar(18) /* Amount of space used by data in table. */
, [Index Size] varchar(18) /* Amount of space used by indexes in table. */
, [Unused Space] varchar(18) /* Amount of space reserved but not used. */
) ;
/* Load the temp table */
declare @schemaname varchar(256) ;
-- Make sure to set next line to the Schema name you want!
set @schemaname = 'dbo' ;
-- Create a cursor to cycle through the names of each table in the schema
declare curSchemaTable cursor
for select sys.schemas.name + '.' + sys.objects.name
from sys.objects
, sys.schemas
where object_id > 100
and sys.schemas.name = @schemaname
/* For a specific table uncomment next line and supply name */
--and sys.objects.name = 'specific-table-name-here'
and type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
and sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id ;
open curSchemaTable ;
declare @name varchar(256) ; /* This holds the name of the current table*/
-- Now loop thru the cursor, calling the sp_spaceused for each table
fetch curSchemaTable into @name ;
while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )
insert into #TableSizes
exec sp_spaceused @objname = @name ;
fetch curSchemaTable into @name ;
/* Important to both close and deallocate! */
close curSchemaTable ;
deallocate curSchemaTable ;
/* Feed the results back */
select [Table Name]
, [Number of Rows]
, [Reserved Space]
, [Data Space]
, [Index Size]
, [Unused Space]
from [#TableSizes]
order by [Table Name] ;
/* Remove the temp table */
drop table #TableSizes ;
编辑要解析的代码,单引号中的几个字符使用特殊的单引号,以及 -- 符号。
此代码适用于 Microsoft SQL 2005+
exec sp_spaceused [tablename]
sys.allocations_units包含您需要的信息。您加入sys.partitions以将分区的所有分配单元组合在一起,并获得更有用的 object_id 而不是深奥的 allocation_unit_id。
select object_name(p.object_id),
sum(au.total_pages)*8 as [space_in_kb]
from sys.partitions p
join sys.allocation_units au on p.hobt_id = au.container_id
group by p.object_id
order by [space_in_kb] desc
是的,所有表(堆或集群)都是' partitions
',这些术语不指分区表。sys.partitions 也有您可能感兴趣的“行”列。
exec sp_spaceused <tablename>
SELECT sysobjects.[name] AS [TableName],
SUM(sysindexes.reserved) * 8 AS [Size(KB)],
SUM(sysindexes.dpages) * 8 AS [Data(KB)],
(SUM(sysindexes.used) - SUM(sysindexes.dpages)) * 8 AS [Indexes(KB)],
(SUM(sysindexes.reserved) - SUM(sysindexes.dpages)) * 8 AS [Unused(KB)]
FROM dbo.sysindexes AS sysindexes
JOIN dbo.sysobjects AS sysobjects ON sysobjects.id = sysindexes.id
WHERE sysobjects.[type] = 'U'
GROUP BY sysobjects.[name]
在 SQL 2008+ 中:右键单击 SSMS 中的 DB 名称,选择Reports
,然后Standard Reports
,然后Disk Usage by Table
有时我会运行它...它将所有表获取到临时表,将其循环并获取所有表的大小。结果数据在@tablesizes 中,因此您可以随意查询。
适用于 Sql Server >2005
declare @tables TABLE
table_name nvarchar(200)
declare @tablesizes TABLE
[name] nvarchar(200),
[rows] int,
reserved nvarchar(200),
data nvarchar(200),
index_size nvarchar(200),
unused nvarchar(200),
reserved_int int,
data_int int,
index_size_int int,
unused_int int
declare @t nvarchar(200)
insert into @tables
select Table_Name from information_schema.tables
while exists(select * from @tables)
set @t=(select top 1 table_name from @tables)
insert into @tablesizes([name],[rows],reserved,data,index_size,unused)
exec sp_spaceused @t
delete top (1) from @tables
update @tablesizes set
reserved_int=convert(int, replace(reserved,' KB','')),
data_int=convert(int, replace(data,' KB','')),
index_size_int=convert(int, replace(index_size,' KB','')),
unused_int=convert(int, replace(unused,' KB',''))
select * from @tablesizes order by data_int desc
SELECT @@servername;
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM tempdb.sys.tables WHERE name LIKE '#spaceUsed%')
DROP TABLE #spaceUsed;
CREATE TABLE #spaceUsed (
name VARCHAR(255) ,
rows INT ,
reserved VARCHAR(50) ,
data VARCHAR(50) ,
index_size VARCHAR(50) ,
unused VARCHAR(50));
EXEC sp_msforeachtable
@command1 ='
INSERT INTO #spaceUsed
exec sp_spaceused N''?'';
,@whereand = ' And Object_id In (Select Object_id From sys.objects
Where SCHEMA_NAME(Schema_ID) like ''%'')';
@spaceUsedData TABLE (
name VARCHAR(255) ,
rows INT ,
reservedMB BIGINT NULL ,
index_sizeMB BIGINT NULL ,
INSERT INTO INTO @spaceUsedData (name , rows , reservedMB , dataMB ,index_sizeMB ,unusedMB)
SELECT name , rows ,
Convert ( BIGINT ,Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(reserved ,'KB' ,'')) ))/1024 ,
Convert ( BIGINT ,Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(data ,'KB' ,'')) ))/1024 ,
Convert ( BIGINT ,Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(index_size ,'KB' ,'')) ))/1024 ,
Convert ( BIGINT ,Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(unused ,'KB' ,'')) ))/1024
FROM #spaceUsed;
SELECT * , reservedMB+ dataMB+index_sizeMB+unusedMB AS TotalMB FROM @spaceUsedData