嗯,eBay SDK 有很多不错的示例选择,但是它们已经过时,大多数都无法使用,您可以NullReferenceException
在线获得。我是一名 Windows 编码员大约 5 年(5 年前,我只知道足够的 .Net 来让我通过。我主要开发大型基于 Web 的应用程序)
这个特定的应用程序以给定的时间间隔通过 Windows 服务轮询 eBay API,并使用待发货的待发货订单更新 SQL 数据库。这不是必需的,因为此代码是直截了当的,而不是问题所在。
这是有问题的旧 VB .Net 代码行,请记住 intelliSense 将代码显示为在代码视图中有效。
Dim Transactions As TransactionTypeCollection
Transactions = apiCall.GetSellerTransactions("1/1/2012 5:51:09 AM", "1/30/2012 5:51:09 AM")
NullReferenceException was unhandled
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Visual Studio 提供了一些疑难解答提示,例如在调用之前确保设置的对象不为 NULL(Nothing),以及在调用方法之前使用 New 关键字创建对象的新实例。我尝试了这些方法的所有组合,例如:
Dim Transactions As New Transaction TypeCollection
Transactions = New apicall.getSellerTransaction()
'didnt think this would work but I've tried everything
这些没有帮助,第一个也没有产生任何额外的错误(第二个,我假设让你知道 getSellerTransaction() 不是构造函数)。
感谢您阅读长篇文章,只是想尽可能彻底。顺便说一句,我正在使用来自 developer.ebay.com 的最新 eBay .NET SDK 尝试执行 getSellerTransaction。我在生成令牌时遇到了类似的问题,但修复方法不同。我认为这是一个语法错误。谢谢你的帮助。如果您需要更多详细信息,我将在这里回答任何问题。
我正在使用一个简单的流编写器从事务中捕获足够的数据,以便我知道它们可以工作(当我克服这个错误时,待处理的订单将被填充到一个 sql 数据源中)。这也是一个 Windows 服务(因此theServiceWorkerThread
)此外,eBay SDK 中提供的 .Net 演示应用程序(至少 GetSellerTransactions 失败,错误代码相同,位置相同)
Private Sub ServiceWorkerThread(ByVal state As Object)
' Periodically check if the service is stopping.
Do While Not Me.stopping
' Perform main service function here...
Dim apiCall As GetSellerTransactionsCall = New GetSellerTransactionsCall(apiContext)
Dim transactions As New TransactionTypeCollection
'the line below causes the exception
transactions = apiCall.GetSellerTransactions("1/1/2012 5:51:09 AM", "1/30/2012 5:51:09 AM")
Dim trans As New TransactionType
For Each trans In transactions
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("ItemId: " & trans.Item.ItemID)
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("TransId: " & trans.TransactionID)
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("TransPrice: " & trans.TransactionPrice.Value.ToString())
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("AmtPaid: " & trans.AmountPaid.Value.ToString())
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("qtyPurchased: " & trans.QuantityPurchased.ToString())
Me.sysLog.WriteEntry("buyUserId; " & trans.Buyer.UserID)
Next trans
Thread.Sleep(60000) ' Simulate some lengthy operations.
' Signal the stopped event.
End Sub
Populate eBay SDK ApiContext instance with data from application configuration file
<returns>ApiContext instance</returns>
Private Function GetApiContext() As ApiContext
'apiContext is a singleton
'to avoid duplicate configuration reading
If (apiContext IsNot Nothing) Then
Return apiContext
apiContext = New ApiContext
'set Api Server Url
apiContext.SoapApiServerUrl = AppSettings("SopApiServerUrl")
'declare new ApiCredential
Dim apiCredential As ApiCredential = New ApiCredential
'set Applcation settings (not needed with a User Token)
apiCredential.ApiAccount.Application = AppSettings("AppId")
apiCredential.ApiAccount.Certificate = AppSettings("AppCert")
apiCredential.ApiAccount.Developer = AppSettings("DevId")
'set our User Token
apiCredential.eBayToken = AppSettings("UserToken")
apiContext.ApiCredential = apiCredential
'set eBay Site target to US
apiContext.Site = SiteCodeType.US
Return apiContext
End If
End Function