I've got a client who is a business. They are using Google Apps for Business (the paid version), and have created a Google Apps email account. Using this email account, we logged into YouTube and went to create a channel. Because they are a business, we created a BUSINESS YouTube Channel with the associated BUSINESS Google+ Page.
They also have a vendor who is using the YouTube API to upload their videos for them. However when the vendor tries to use the API, they get the error "no linked youtube account". We're thinking that this is because as a Google+ Business Page, the page is not associated with a single Google Account, but rather multiple Google Accounts can be set as "managers" of the page.

When we tried to create a "personal" YouTube Channel/Google+ Page associated with this email address, we tried to put the company name in as the First Name / Last Name and it rejected it because it says that it's a company name and not a real person's name. It also asks for gender and birthdate, and all of those things associated with a person and not a business.

My questions is.... is there a way around this issue? Can you use the YouTube API to upload with a Google+ Business Page and a YouTube Business Channel?

Thanks, Justin


1 回答 1


您应该能够创建 Google+ 信息页和相应的 YouTube 帐户。这是一篇解释这些步骤的博客文章。

为了澄清这个例子,我有一个 Cloud Hulk 的 Google+ 页面(有点不活跃),这是我的老队友给我取的一个玩笑的名字。当我转到 YouTube.com 的右上角时,我可以选择“切换帐户”


现在,当我单击它时,我第一次这样做时,它会要求我创建一个频道。如果我不执行此步骤,YouTube API 将返回“无关联的 YouTube 帐户”错误。我确认更改:


现在我已经登录了,我应该会在 YouTube.com 的右上角看到这个:


当我执行 OAuth 2.0 授权流程时,我将看到一个授权渠道列表:


您可以通过转到API 参考并单击“立即尝试”下的“使用 OAuth 2.0 授权请求”来测试这一点。

于 2013-07-24T15:07:16.410 回答