您好,我正在使用 KDD 1999 数据集,我正在寻找在 matlab 中应用朴素贝叶斯的方法。我想知道的是 kdd 数据集是一个 494021x42 的数据数组,如果您在下面的朴素贝叶斯代码中注意到“training”和“target_class”:
training = [1;0;-1;-2;4;0]; % this is the sample data.
target_class = ['posi';'zero';'negi';'negi';'posi';'zero'];
% This should have the same number of rows as training data but why?
% Training and Testing the classifier (between positive and negative)
test = 10*randn(10,1) % this is for testing. I am generating random numbers.
class = classify(test,training, target_class, 'diaglinear')
% This command classifies the test data depening on the given training data using a Naive Bayes classifier
% diaglinear is for naive bayes classifier; there is also diagquadratic
我想知道的是与 kdd 数据集攻击类型相关的“Target_class”?
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protocol_type: symbolic.
service: symbolic.
flag: symbolic.
src_bytes: continuous.
dst_bytes: continuous.
land: symbolic.
wrong_fragment: continuous.