Since appDelegate does not have a view, just window, its hard to figure out how to load a view from it. My problem has for long been that when didReceiveLocalNotification fires i cant load a new view with that event. I have been working around it til the point that i must do something about it. When i tries to addSubview, xcode gives me the error:
Receiver tupe 'UIWindow' for instance messages does not declare a method with selector 'addSubView'
for this: (at [self.window addSubView:view];)
screwLightBulbViewController *view = [screwLightBulbViewController newMyView];
[self.window addSubView:view];
I understand that the appDelegate file does'nt have a addSubview but i want to switch to a particular view when it fires.
I have tried many other ways, like calling a function in screwLightBulbViewController and make a view from that. My function in the viewController now looks like this:
UINib *nib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"MyView" bundle:nil];
NSArray *nibArray = [nib instantiateWithOwner:self options:nil];
screwLightBulbViewController *me = [nibArray objectAtIndex: 0];
return me;
any help in any way would be realy appreciated and thanks for you time. :)