我已经在 F# 中实现了它,但是我认为我没有使用任何“不纯”的东西,除了我的打印功能。
诀窍是您需要某种方式来识别节点,这不是它自己的引用/名称,也不是按值。标识必须可复制到 ReplacementNodes 在这种情况下,我使用了 System.Object,因为它们在引用上都是不同的。
type TreeNode<'a> = {
getChildren: unit -> seq<TreeNode<'a>>;
value: 'a;
originalRefId: System.Object; //This is set when the onject is created,
// so we can identify any nodes that are effectivly this one
let BasicTreeNode : 'a ->seq<TreeNode<'a>>-> TreeNode<'a> = fun nodeValue -> fun children ->
{value = nodeValue; originalRefId = System.Object(); getChildren = fun () -> children;}
let rec ReplacementNode : TreeNode<'a> -> TreeNode<'a> -> TreeNode<'a> -> TreeNode<'a> =
fun nodeToReplace -> fun newNode -> fun baseNode ->
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(baseNode.originalRefId, nodeToReplace.originalRefId)) then
//If it has the same Oringal
newNode //replace the node
//Just another pass on node, tranform its children, keep orignial reference
{value = baseNode.value;
originalRefId = baseNode.originalRefId;
getChildren = fun () ->
baseNode.getChildren() |> Seq.map(ReplacementNode nodeToReplace newNode); }
type TreeType<'a> = {
Print: unit -> unit;
ReplaceNode: TreeNode<'a> -> TreeNode<'a> -> TreeType<'a>;
//Put all the other tree methods, like Traversals, searches etc in this type
let rec Tree = fun rootNode ->
Print = fun () ->
let rec printNode = fun node -> fun depth ->
printf "%s %A\n" (String.replicate depth " - ") node.value
for n in node.getChildren() do printNode n (depth + 1)
printNode rootNode 0
ReplaceNode = fun oldNode -> fun newNode ->
Tree (ReplacementNode oldNode newNode rootNode)
let e = BasicTreeNode "E" Seq.empty
let d = BasicTreeNode "D" Seq.empty
let c = BasicTreeNode "C" Seq.empty
let b = BasicTreeNode "B" [d;e]
let a = BasicTreeNode "A" [b;c]
let originalTree = Tree a
printf "The Original Tree:\n"
let g = BasicTreeNode "G" Seq.empty
let newE = BasicTreeNode "E" [g]
let newTree = originalTree.ReplaceNode e newE
printf "\n\nThe Tree with a Local Change: \n"
printf "\n\nThe Original Tree is Unchanged: \n"
printf "\n\nThe Tree with a Second Local Change: \n"
let h = BasicTreeNode "H" Seq.empty
let newC = BasicTreeNode "C" [h]
let newTree2 = newTree.ReplaceNode c newC
printf "\n\nTrying to Change a node that has been replaced doesn't work \n"
let i = BasicTreeNode "i" Seq.empty
let newnewC = BasicTreeNode "C" [h; i]
let newTree3 = newTree.ReplaceNode c newC //newTree.ReplaceNode newc newnewC would work
我们在测试结束时看到,对被替换的对象使用旧节点名称 (/reference) 不起作用。可以选择创建具有另一个节点的引用 Id 的新类型:
//Like a basicTreeNode, but reuses an existing ID, so they can be replaced for oneanother
let EdittedTreeNode = fun orignalNode -> fun nodeValue -> fun children ->
{value = nodeValue; originalRefId = orignalNode.originalRefId; getChildren = fun () -> children;}
定义,以便保留它替换的节点的 ID。(不只是返回newNode