import sys
print "any code: allocate files, usb gadets etc "
sys.exit(-1) # some severe error occure
except Exception as e:
print "sys.exit is not catched:"+str(e)
print "but all sub finallies are done"
print "shall not be executed when sys.exit called before"
print "Here we can properly free all resources in our preferable order"
print "(ie close log file at the end after closing all gadgets)"
至于推荐的解决方案 atexit - 它会很好,但它在我的 python 2.6 中不起作用。我试过这个:
import sys
import atexit
def myFinal():
print "it doesn't print anything in my python 2.6 :("
print "any code"
sys.exit(-1) # is it pluged in?
print "any code - shall not be execute"
至于 Wrapper 解决方案 - 它绝对是最花哨的 - 但老实说,我不能说它有多好......
import sys
class mainCleanupWrapper(object):
def __enter__(self):
print "preallocate resources optionally"
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
print "I release all resources in my order"
with mainCleanupWrapper() as whatsThisNameFor:
print "ok my unchaged code with any resources locking"
print "this code shall not be executed"
我找到了我的解决方案 - 但坦率地说,python 似乎变得非常庞大和臃肿......