我在将对象附加到 scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer 时遇到问题。我熟悉相应的 API,并且知道通常您使用 += 或 ++= 方法来添加对象或对象序列。
我正在实现一个支持网络的纸牌游戏,并且有一个简单的问题,就是将一些选定的牌添加到手牌列表中。在下面的代码中,我将获取对手牌列表(ListBuffer)的引用,打印 ListBuffer 的大小,将所选卡片添加到其中并再次打印大小。
// get the references and ensure that it are rally ListBuffers / Lists
val handCards: mutable.ListBuffer[ClientCard] = playerPanel.player.handCards
val chosenCards: List[ClientCard] = _chosenCards
// print the number of elements per list
println("number of hand cards: " + handCards.size)
println("number of chosen cards: " + chosenCards.size)
// append the chosen cards to the hand cards
println("append operation: " + handCards + " ++= " + chosenCards)
handCards ++= chosenCards
// print the number of hand cards again
println("number of hand cards: " + handCards.size)
number of hand cards: 5
number of chosen cards: 2
append operation: ListBuffer(
) ++= List(
number of hand cards: 5
ClientCard 始终是“真实卡”的代表,仅包含抽卡所需的信息。
trait ClientCard extends AnyRef with ClientObject with CardLike
trait ClientObject extends Serializable {
def uid: Int
trait CardLike {
val imagePath: String
在 Card 类中创建了一个 ClientCard:
def clientCard = new ClientCard() {
val uid = Card.this.hashCode()
val imagePath = CardTemplate.cardFolder + Card.this.imageFilename
还有创建 ListBuffer 的 ClientPlayer(“真实玩家”的代表):
// definition of ClientPlayer trait
trait ClientPlayer extends ClientObject {
val victoryPoints: Int
val handCards: mutable.ListBuffer[ClientCard]
val playedCards: mutable.ListBuffer[ClientCard]
// piece of code to create a client player
def clientPlayer = new ClientPlayer() {
val uid = Player.this.hashCode()
val victoryPoints = Player.this.victoryPoints
val handCards = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClientCard]
handCards ++= (Player.this.handCards.map(_.clientCard))
val playedCards = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClientCard]
playedCards ++= Player.this.playedCards.map(_.clientCard)
有谁知道这里出了什么问题?或者更笼统地说:有哪些情况会阻止将对象成功附加到 ListBuffer?
编辑:有些事情我忘了提,似乎是什么导致了这种奇怪的行为。创建handCards ListBuffer 后,它通过网络发送,因此再次被序列化和反序列化。
在 Rex Kerr 发表评论后,我尝试为 ClientPlayer 创建一个深拷贝方法,并在收到每个 ClientPlayer 后立即复制它。这解决了问题。有人对这种行为有解释吗?