下面的代码在 R 中。我已经将它移植到另一种语言,但是直接在 R 中测试了原始代码,以确保问题不在于我的移植。
sunPosition <- function(year, month, day, hour=12, min=0, sec=0,
lat=46.5, long=6.5) {
twopi <- 2 * pi
deg2rad <- pi / 180
# Get day of the year, e.g. Feb 1 = 32, Mar 1 = 61 on leap years
month.days <- c(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30)
day <- day + cumsum(month.days)[month]
leapdays <- year %% 4 == 0 & (year %% 400 == 0 | year %% 100 != 0) & day >= 60
day[leapdays] <- day[leapdays] + 1
# Get Julian date - 2400000
hour <- hour + min / 60 + sec / 3600 # hour plus fraction
delta <- year - 1949
leap <- trunc(delta / 4) # former leapyears
jd <- 32916.5 + delta * 365 + leap + day + hour / 24
# The input to the Atronomer's almanach is the difference between
# the Julian date and JD 2451545.0 (noon, 1 January 2000)
time <- jd - 51545.
# Ecliptic coordinates
# Mean longitude
mnlong <- 280.460 + .9856474 * time
mnlong <- mnlong %% 360
mnlong[mnlong < 0] <- mnlong[mnlong < 0] + 360
# Mean anomaly
mnanom <- 357.528 + .9856003 * time
mnanom <- mnanom %% 360
mnanom[mnanom < 0] <- mnanom[mnanom < 0] + 360
mnanom <- mnanom * deg2rad
# Ecliptic longitude and obliquity of ecliptic
eclong <- mnlong + 1.915 * sin(mnanom) + 0.020 * sin(2 * mnanom)
eclong <- eclong %% 360
eclong[eclong < 0] <- eclong[eclong < 0] + 360
oblqec <- 23.429 - 0.0000004 * time
eclong <- eclong * deg2rad
oblqec <- oblqec * deg2rad
# Celestial coordinates
# Right ascension and declination
num <- cos(oblqec) * sin(eclong)
den <- cos(eclong)
ra <- atan(num / den)
ra[den < 0] <- ra[den < 0] + pi
ra[den >= 0 & num < 0] <- ra[den >= 0 & num < 0] + twopi
dec <- asin(sin(oblqec) * sin(eclong))
# Local coordinates
# Greenwich mean sidereal time
gmst <- 6.697375 + .0657098242 * time + hour
gmst <- gmst %% 24
gmst[gmst < 0] <- gmst[gmst < 0] + 24.
# Local mean sidereal time
lmst <- gmst + long / 15.
lmst <- lmst %% 24.
lmst[lmst < 0] <- lmst[lmst < 0] + 24.
lmst <- lmst * 15. * deg2rad
# Hour angle
ha <- lmst - ra
ha[ha < -pi] <- ha[ha < -pi] + twopi
ha[ha > pi] <- ha[ha > pi] - twopi
# Latitude to radians
lat <- lat * deg2rad
# Azimuth and elevation
el <- asin(sin(dec) * sin(lat) + cos(dec) * cos(lat) * cos(ha))
az <- asin(-cos(dec) * sin(ha) / cos(el))
elc <- asin(sin(dec) / sin(lat))
az[el >= elc] <- pi - az[el >= elc]
az[el <= elc & ha > 0] <- az[el <= elc & ha > 0] + twopi
el <- el / deg2rad
az <- az / deg2rad
lat <- lat / deg2rad
return(list(elevation=el, azimuth=az))
我遇到的问题是它返回的方位角似乎是错误的。例如,如果我在(南)夏至 12:00 对位置 0ºE 和 41ºS、3ºS、3ºN 和 41ºN 运行该函数:
> sunPosition(2012,12,22,12,0,0,-41,0)
[1] 72.42113
[1] 180.9211
> sunPosition(2012,12,22,12,0,0,-3,0)
[1] 69.57493
[1] -0.79713
Warning message:
In asin(sin(dec)/sin(lat)) : NaNs produced
> sunPosition(2012,12,22,12,0,0,3,0)
[1] 63.57538
[1] -0.6250971
Warning message:
In asin(sin(dec)/sin(lat)) : NaNs produced
> sunPosition(2012,12,22,12,0,0,41,0)
[1] 25.57642
[1] 180.3084
这些数字似乎不正确。我对海拔高度感到满意——前两个应该大致相同,第三个稍微低一点,第四个要低得多。然而,第一个方位角应该大致是正北,而它给出的数字是完全相反的。其余三个应该大致指向正南,但只有最后一个指向。两个在中间点就在北边,再次向外 180 度。
我相信故障出在本节,在第三行(以 开头elc
# Azimuth and elevation
el <- asin(sin(dec) * sin(lat) + cos(dec) * cos(lat) * cos(ha))
az <- asin(-cos(dec) * sin(ha) / cos(el))
elc <- asin(sin(dec) / sin(lat))
az[el >= elc] <- pi - az[el >= elc]
az[el <= elc & ha > 0] <- az[el <= elc & ha > 0] + twopi
我用谷歌搜索并在 C 中找到了类似的代码块,转换为 R 用于计算方位角的行类似于
az <- atan(sin(ha) / (cos(ha) * sin(lat) - tan(dec) * cos(lat)))