I have the file data.txt
with two columns and N rows, something like this:
0.009943796 0.4667975
0.009795735 0.46777886
0.009623984 0.46897832
0.009564759 0.46941447
0.009546991 0.4703958
0.009428543 0.47224948
0.009375241 0.47475737
0.009298249 0.4767201
Every couple of values in the file correspond to one point coordinates (x,y). If plotted, this points generate a curve. I would like to calculate the area under curve (AUC) of this curve.
So I load the data:
data = load("data.txt");
X = data(:,1);
Y = data(:,2);
So, X
contains all the x coordinates of the points, and Y
all the y coordinates.
How could I calculate the area under curve (AUC) ?