如何将“32 位有符号定点数(16.16)”转换为浮点数?
(fixed >> 16) + (fixed & 0xffff) / 65536.0
好吗?-2.5 怎么样?-0.5?
或者是fixed / 65536.0
如何将“32 位有符号定点数(16.16)”转换为浮点数?
(fixed >> 16) + (fixed & 0xffff) / 65536.0
好吗?-2.5 怎么样?-0.5?
或者是fixed / 65536.0
我假设二进制补码 32 位整数和运算符在 C# 中工作。
fixed / 65536.0
(fixed >> 16) + (fixed & 0xffff) / 65536.0
对于负整数fixed & 0xffff
fixed * (1/65536.0)
class FixedPointUtils {
public static final int ONE = 0x10000;
* Convert an array of floats to 16.16 fixed-point
* @param arr The array
* @return A newly allocated array of fixed-point values.
public static int[] toFixed(float[] arr) {
int[] res = new int[arr.length];
toFixed(arr, res);
return res;
* Convert a float to 16.16 fixed-point representation
* @param val The value to convert
* @return The resulting fixed-point representation
public static int toFixed(float val) {
return (int)(val * 65536F);
* Convert an array of floats to 16.16 fixed-point
* @param arr The array of floats
* @param storage The location to store the fixed-point values.
public static void toFixed(float[] arr, int[] storage)
for (int i=0;i<storage.length;i++) {
storage[i] = toFixed(arr[i]);
* Convert a 16.16 fixed-point value to floating point
* @param val The fixed-point value
* @return The equivalent floating-point value.
public static float toFloat(int val) {
return ((float)val)/65536.0f;
* Convert an array of 16.16 fixed-point values to floating point
* @param arr The array to convert
* @return A newly allocated array of floats.
public static float[] toFloat(int[] arr) {
float[] res = new float[arr.length];
toFloat(arr, res);
return res;
* Convert an array of 16.16 fixed-point values to floating point
* @param arr The array to convert
* @param storage Pre-allocated storage for the result.
public static void toFloat(int[] arr, float[] storage)
for (int i=0;i<storage.length;i++) {
storage[i] = toFloat(arr[i]);
在阅读了CodesInChaos的回答后,我写了一个 C++ 函数模板,非常方便。您可以传递小数部分的长度(例如,BMP 文件格式使用 2.30 定点数)。如果省略小数部分长度,则函数假定小数部分和整数部分具有相同的长度
#include <math.h> // for NaN
#include <limits.h> // for CHAR_BIT = 8
template<class T> inline double fixed_point2double(const T& x, int frac_digits = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)) / 2 )
if (frac_digits >= CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)) return NAN;
return double(x) / double( T(1) << frac_digits) );
#include <math.h> // for NaN
#include <limits.h> // for CHAR_BIT = 8
template<class T> inline double read_little_endian_fixed_point(const unsigned char *x, int frac_digits = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)) / 2)
// ! do not use for single byte types 'T'
if (frac_digits >= CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)) return NAN;
T res = 0;
for (int i = 0, shift = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i, shift += CHAR_BIT)
res |= ((T)x[i]) << shift;
return double(res) / double( T(1) << frac_digits) );