在尝试将我的 SDK 更新到最新版本时,安装了一些东西,但其他 * 没有。
*SDK Platform Android 4.0, API14, revision 3
Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API15 revision 1
Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API14 revision 2
Sources for Android SDK, API14, revision 1
-= Warning ! =-
A folder failed to be moved. On Windows this typically means that a program is uing that folder (for example Windows Explorer or your anti-virus software.)
Please momentarily deactivate your anti-virus software or close any running programs that may be accessing the directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-14'.
When ready, press YES to try again.
即使通过手动停止 McAfee 服务和 MS Malware 服务 (MS Security Essentials)
Android SDK 管理器日志中突出显示的错误(砖红色)是:
Failed to rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-14 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\PlatformPackage.old01.
- 这是我应该手动执行的操作吗?这样可以进行更新吗?