除了警告消息外,此代码可以按我的意愿工作。在 GNU Common Lisp 中,如何在不抑制其他可能警告消息的情况下抑制该消息?
1 (defgeneric zang (x y)
2 (:documentation "they want you to put documentation here"))
3 (defmethod zang ((a number) (b string))
4 (format t "got to zang ((~s number) (~s string))~%" a b))
5 (defmethod zang ((a integer) (b string))
6 (format t "got to zang ((~s integer) (~s string))~%" a b)
7 (when (evenp a)
8 (format t "passing control to the other guy~%")
9 (call-next-method (1+ a) "hoo boy")
10 (format t "returned control from the other guy~%")))
11 (defmethod no-applicable-method (zang &rest args)
12 (format t "no applicable method for (zang ~{~s~^ ~})~%" args))
13 (zang 3.5 "hi")
14 (zang 3 "hi")
15 (zang 4 "hi")
16 (zang "hello" "world")
got to zang ((3.5 number) ("hi" string))
got to zang ((3 integer) ("hi" string))
got to zang ((4 integer) ("hi" string))
passing control to the other guy
got to zang ((5 number) ("hoo boy" string))
returned control from the other guy
no applicable method for (zang "hello" "world")
(defgeneric zang (x y)
(:documentation "they want you to put documentation here"))
(defmethod zang ((a number) (b string))
(format t "got to zang ((~s number) (~s string))~%" a b))
(defmethod zang ((a integer) (b string))
(format t "got to zang ((~s integer) (~s string))~%" a b)
(when (evenp a)
(format t "passing control to the next guy~%")
(call-next-method (1+ a) "hoo boy")
(format t "returned control from the next guy~%")))
;(defmethod no-applicable-method (zang &rest args)
; (format t "no applicable method for (zang ~{~s~^ ~})~%" args))
(defmethod no-applicable-method ((zang eql #'zang) &rest args)
(format t "no applicable method for (zang ~{~s~^ ~})~%" args))
(zang 3.5 "hi")
(zang 3 "hi")
(zang 4 "hi")
(zang "hello" "world")
*** - DEFMETHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD: Invalid specialized parameter in method
lambda list ((ZANG EQL #'ZANG) &REST ARGS): (ZANG EQL #'ZANG)