我有两个AABB 的。在碰撞时,我希望我的方法返回一个 Vector,然后我可以将其添加到位置 Vector 以使我的对象回到边界。
public Vector2f collide(Sprite other) {
if(!collideBoolean(other)) return null; //no collision
float xAxis = Math.abs(this.position.x - other.getX()); //distance between centers on x axis
float yAxis = Math.abs(this.position.y - other.getY()); //distance between centers on y axis
//these combined values show the minimum distance apart the objects need to be to not collide
int cw = this.getHalfWidth() + other.getHalfWidth(); //combined width
int ch = this.getHalfHeight() + other.getHalfHeight(); //combined height
float ox = Math.abs(xAxis - cw); //overlap on x
float oy = Math.abs(yAxis - ch); //overlap on y
Vector2f dir = new Vector2f(this.position);
dir.sub(other.getPosition()); //subtract other.position from this.position
return new Vector2f(dir.x * ox, dir.y * oy);
(不言自明,但这里也是 collideBoolean(Sprite other) 的代码)
public boolean collideBoolean(Sprite other) {
//code using halfwidths and centers
if(Math.abs(this.position.x - other.getX()) > (this.getHalfWidth() + other.getHalfWidth())) return false;
if(Math.abs(this.position.y - other.getY()) > (this.getHalfHeight() + other.getHalfHeight())) return false;
return true;
将其添加到 collide(Sprite other) 方法的末尾是可行的,只是不像我想要的那样整洁。此外,当仅沿一个轴进入“另一个”身体时,它工作正常,但如果你以一定角度推入身体,你会进入形状内部,它会随机将你抛出。
(此代码查看投影向量以查看哪个分量更大,然后 0 表示最大分量。这意味着我只是沿着最短路径投影出形状)
Vector2f projection = new Vector2f(dir.x * (ox+1), dir.y * (oy+1));
if(Math.abs(projection.x) > Math.abs(projection.y)) projection.x = 0;
else if(Math.abs(projection.y) > Math.abs(projection.x)) projection.y = 0;
return projection;
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|_____SINKS IN______|
public class Collision {
/** fix collision based on mass */
public static void collide(Sprite s1, Sprite s2) {
float xAxis = Math.abs(s1.getX() - s2.getX()); //distance between centers
float yAxis = Math.abs(s1.getY() - s2.getY()); //distance between centers
int cw = s1.getHalfWidth() + s2.getHalfWidth(); //combined width
int ch = s1.getHalfHeight() + s2.getHalfHeight(); //combined height
//early exit
if(xAxis > cw) return;
if(yAxis > ch) return;
float ox = Math.abs(xAxis - cw); //overlap on x
float oy = Math.abs(yAxis - ch); //overlap on y
if(s1.getMass() <= s2.getMass())
fixCollision(s1, s2, ox+1, oy+1); //the +1's make you get out of the shape instead of
else //if(s1.getMass() > s2.getMass()) //correcting you onto the edge where you'll be in constant collision
fixCollision(s2, s1, ox+1, oy+1);
* Fixes the collision
* @param s1 : this gets pushed out (should be lower mass)
* @param s2 : this stays where it is
* @param ox : the overlap along the x axis
* @param oy : the overlap along the y axis
private static void fixCollision(Sprite s1, Sprite s2, float ox, float oy) {
Vector2f dir = new Vector2f(s1.getPosition());
Vector2f projection = new Vector2f(dir.x * (ox), dir.y * (oy));
if(Math.abs(projection.x) > Math.abs(projection.y)) projection.x = 0;
else if(Math.abs(projection.y) > Math.abs(projection.x)) projection.y = 0;
if(ox > oy) s1.getPosition().add( new Vector2f(0, dir.y * oy) ); //overlap is bigger on x so project on y
else if(ox < oy) s1.getPosition().add( new Vector2f(dir.x * ox, 0)); //overlap is bigger on x so project on x
else s1.getPosition().add( new Vector2f(dir.x * ox, dir.y * oy)); //corner to corner