是否可以将 numpy 的 linalg.matrix_power 与模一起使用,以便元素不会增长到大于某个值?


4 回答 4

于 2011-12-15T09:55:12.433 回答

Using the implementation from Numpy:


I adapted it by adding a modulo term. HOWEVER, there is a bug, in that if an overflow occurs, no OverflowError or any other sort of exception is raised. From that point on, the solution will be wrong. There is a bug report here.

Here is the code. Use with care:

from numpy.core.numeric import concatenate, isscalar, binary_repr, identity, asanyarray, dot
from numpy.core.numerictypes import issubdtype    
def matrix_power(M, n, mod_val):
    # Implementation shadows numpy's matrix_power, but with modulo included
    M = asanyarray(M)
    if len(M.shape) != 2 or M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input  must be a square array")
    if not issubdtype(type(n), int):
        raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer")

    from numpy.linalg import inv

    if n==0:
        M = M.copy()
        M[:] = identity(M.shape[0])
        return M
    elif n<0:
        M = inv(M)
        n *= -1

    result = M % mod_val
    if n <= 3:
        for _ in range(n-1):
            result = dot(result, M) % mod_val
        return result

    # binary decompositon to reduce the number of matrix
    # multiplications for n > 3
    beta = binary_repr(n)
    Z, q, t = M, 0, len(beta)
    while beta[t-q-1] == '0':
        Z = dot(Z, Z) % mod_val
        q += 1
    result = Z
    for k in range(q+1, t):
        Z = dot(Z, Z) % mod_val
        if beta[t-k-1] == '1':
            result = dot(result, Z) % mod_val
    return result % mod_val
于 2014-10-09T17:35:28.007 回答



import numpy as np

x = np.arange(100).reshape(10,10)
y = np.linalg.matrix_power(x, 2) % 50
于 2011-12-15T03:44:56.247 回答

I had overflow issues with all the previous solutions, so I had to write an algorithm that accounts for overflows after every single integer multiplication. This is how I did it:

def matrix_power_mod(x, n, modulus):
    x = np.asanyarray(x)
    if len(x.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("input must be a matrix")
    if x.shape[0] != x.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input must be a square matrix")
    if not isinstance(n, int):
        raise ValueError("power must be an integer")

    if n < 0:
        x = np.linalg.inv(x)
        n = -n
    if n == 0:
        return np.identity(x.shape[0], dtype=x.dtype)
    y = None
    while n > 1:
        if n % 2 == 1:
            y = _matrix_mul_mod_opt(x, y, modulus=modulus)
        x = _matrix_mul_mod(x, x, modulus=modulus)
        n = n // 2
    return _matrix_mul_mod_opt(x, y, modulus=modulus)

def matrix_mul_mod(a, b, modulus):
    if len(a.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("input a must be a matrix")
    if len(b.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("input b must be a matrix")
    if a.shape[1] != a.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("input a and b must have compatible shape for multiplication")
    return _matrix_mul_mod(a, b, modulus=modulus)

def _matrix_mul_mod_opt(a, b, modulus):
    if b is None:
        return a
    return _matrix_mul_mod(a, b, modulus=modulus)

def _matrix_mul_mod(a, b, modulus):
    r = np.zeros((a.shape[0], b.shape[1]), dtype=a.dtype)
    bT = b.T
    for rowindex in range(r.shape[0]):
        x = (a[rowindex, :] * bT) % modulus
        x = np.sum(x, 1) % modulus
        r[rowindex, :] = x
    return r
于 2019-10-29T22:57:51.947 回答