我想将我的应用程序交给另一位开发人员以融入他的 iOS 应用程序。目标是在他的应用程序中拥有一个直接打开我的应用程序的快捷方式 - 而不仅仅是指向应用程序商店的链接。
问题是我的应用程序必须保持编译状态,因为我不想交出我的源代码。这种情况,一个编译的 iOS 应用程序,封装在另一个 iOS 应用程序中,甚至可能吗?
3 回答
您的应用程序可以注册一个自定义 URL 处理程序,该处理程序将在任何应用程序遵循该 URL 时启动它。它可以从 Safari 触发,但也可以从任何其他应用程序触发。
What you're looking to do really isn't possible. Each app has it's own code structure and can't be embedded into another app (MainWindow.xib for example). Each app is also signed by the developers private key, so that's an obstacle there. You can't just hand him a binary of your app.
What you could do is potentially take your .XIBs and view controllers and give them to him to implement. This is easiest if there's no model that also has to be migrated over. Then he can present your views to take advantage of the logic built into your view controllers.
It's not a trivial amount of work and of questionable value. If you're not willing to share source code then none of the above is really going to work for you.
My advice would be as people above have mentioned and use a URL scheme in his app that refers to yours. Yes, your app would need to be installed, but then there's a clear and unambiguous separation between his work and yours...