I am getting mental on this. I have tried everything so far, for hours. Here is the task:
In a module override, I use this code:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$title = "Analysen & Auswertungen Infos";
$query = "SELECT introtext FROM #__content WHERE title=\"$title\"";
$result = $db->loadRow();
echo $result;
This works, but since I am getting the $title
dynamically from a variable I need this to work:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$title = "$linktext Infos";
$query = "SELECT introtext FROM #__content WHERE title=\"$title\"";
$result = $db->loadRow();
echo $result;
I have 6 variables that populate $linktext
in a foreach loop, all work except the one with the string including the "&"...
I tried htmlentities and utf8_encode and different kind (actually all combinations) of " and ' in the query... nothing worked.
Whe I use the following sql query in phpmyadmin it works:
SELECT `introtext` FROM `x999x_content` WHERE `title`="Analysen & Auswertungen Infos"
I am really puzzled over this, and right now very tired and angry... Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!