I am making an app that plays audio... with each sound piece playing I want to be able to change the "album cover" on the wallpaper of the phone... For example when you play a song on the iPod app it changes your lock screen wallpaper to an album cover photo... so how do I do this for my app, when audio is playing within my app changing the lock screen wallpaper temporarily to the album cover? Any ideas? I was thinking of playing an audio file that actually has a picture compressed into it as the wallpaper image like some iTunes songs but I know not all do that and they still get images.. hmmm Anyways I know it's possible because I own some apps that do that... Thanks if anyone can come up with anything!


1 回答 1


在 iOS5+ 中你可以使用MPNowPlayingInfoCenterClass 来实现你想要的。在 iOS5 之前的版本中,这对于公共 API 是不可能的。


于 2011-12-10T21:22:14.053 回答