我有一个与 ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement 相关的函数,它在 UpdatePanel 更新时显示 JQuery UI 对话框(更新需要一段时间)。页面上有 2 个按钮,我想根据单击的按钮在对话框中显示不同的文本。有没有办法做这样的事情:


ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(this.GetType(), "ShowSplashScreen", "ShowSplashScreen(this)");


function ShowSplashScreen(source) { 
// Do stuff depending on the button that was clicked

目前,“源”是 DOM 窗口,而不是按钮。


2 回答 2



/// <summary> 
/// Retrieves the control that caused the postback. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="page"></param> 
/// <returns></returns> 
private Control GetControlThatCausedPostBack() 
    Control ctrl = null; 

    //use the event target to get the control that initiated the postback 
    string ctrlName = Page.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET"); 
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrlName)) 
        ctrl = Page.FindControl(ctrlName); 

    //return the control to the calling method 
    return ctrl; 
于 2011-11-23T18:19:43.090 回答


我正在寻求的功能是根据单击的按钮有一个具有不同 innerHTML 的模态 div。如果页面有效,我也只希望 div 显示,而不是页面上的所有按钮都会导致验证。

练习是创建一个全局变量“ButtonClicked”。然后,页面上的每个按钮都必须将 javascript 分配给它的 onclick 属性,该属性将 ButtonClicked 变量设置为按钮的 id。分配给 onclick 的脚本在页面验证之前运行。然后,使用 ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement,我分配了一个函数,以便在页面成功验证后、实际提交页面之前调用。然后我可以访问“ButtonClicked”事件以查看刚刚调用了哪个按钮,然后更改模态 div 的 innerHTML,然后显示它。(然后做一个 asyc 回发,然后在回发后删除模态 div。)

为什么我不能从按钮调用自己的函数中设置模态 div 的 innerHTML?因为我放在那里的 innerHTML 取决于页面是否有效,而我只有在获得 ShowSplashScreen 函数时才知道页面是否有效。您可能还会问为什么我不只是从按钮调用的 javascript 函数中调用要验证的页面。这是因为这样做会导致验证被调用两次,并且页面上的信息太多以至于验证页面需要将近一秒钟的时间,并且因为客户端验证函数本身有一些东西只能被调用一次在验证期间。




<!-- This is a simplified version of the HTML that <asp:Button> is going to 
     output in the actual HTML -->
<input type="submit" id="Button1" value="Load Page" onclick="function1(this)">
<input type="submit" id="Button2" value="Save Page" onclick="function2(this)">


var ButtonClicked = ""; //Needs to be global

//It is not necessary to have a different function for each button, 
//I just needed to for the needs of my page. If Button2 calls function1 
//instead of function2, ButtonClicked is still set to "Button2". 
//It is very important that EVERY button on the page calls something 
//that sets ButtonClicked or you will get an bug if the user ever 
//clicks a button that sets ButtonClicked, and then clicks a button 
//that does not set ButtonClicked (the final function will still 
//think that the first button had just been clicked)

function function1(source){
    ButtonClicked = source.id;
    //whatever else Client Script that needs to be run from this button

function function2(source){
    ButtonClicked = source.id;
    //whatever else Clinet Script that needs to be run from this button

function ShowSplashScreen(){
    if(ButtonClicked == "Button1")
        //Use JQuery to access the dialog <div> and set the innerHTML
        //to whatever
    else if(ButtonClicked == "Button2")
        //Use JQuery to access the dialog <div> and set the innerHTML 
        //to something else


//Use this code to set a function to be called after the page has 
//been successfully validated. If a button does not cause validation, 
//then that button will always call the function set here
//You should also check to see if the script has already been registered 
//for speed purposes, but I'm just demonstrating particular 
//functionality here.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(this.GetType(), "ShowSplashScreen",
于 2011-11-24T04:07:01.407 回答