我正在执行无法在设计器中执行的代码行,导致我的所有控件的公共属性不再显示在设计器中。因此,我再也看不到在 Visual Studios 设计视图中使用该控件的任何表单。
/// <summary>
/// Performs a color adjustment on the source bitmap.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The bitmap to be processed. This is changed by the
/// process action.</param>
/// <param name="redChange">change to the red value. Can be negative.</param>
/// <param name="greenChange">change to the green value. Can be negative.</param>
/// <param name="blueChange">change to the blue value. Can be negative.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Bitmap ProcessColor(Bitmap source, int redChange, int greenChange, int blueChange)
sourceBitmap = source;
// lock the source bitmap
sourceBitmapData = getBitmapData(sourceBitmap, ref sourceWidth);
sourcepBase = (Byte*)sourceBitmapData.Scan0.ToPointer();
PixelData* pPixel;
for (int y = 0; y < source.Height; y++)
pPixel = (PixelData*)(sourcepBase + y * sourceWidth);
for (int x = 0; x < source.Width; x++)
int redVal = pPixel->red + redChange;
if ( redVal <0 ) redVal = 0;
if ( redVal > 255) redVal = 255;
pPixel->red = (byte)redVal;
int greenVal = pPixel->green + greenChange;
if ( greenVal <0 ) greenVal = 0;
if ( greenVal > 255) greenVal = 255;
pPixel->green = (byte)greenVal;
int blueVal = pPixel->blue + blueChange;
if (blueVal < 0) blueVal = 0;
if (blueVal > 255) blueVal = 255;
pPixel->blue = (byte)blueVal;
sourceBitmapData = null;
sourcepBase = null;
return source;
(由 OpenNETCF 社区提供)
编辑:阻止代码运行并不能解决问题。只有注释掉线才能使设计视图起作用。将行放入(即使放入 if[false == true] 语句)会导致设计人员显示错误,而不是表单。