Anyone have a suggestion for finding elements on a page by a custom property, like an expando property?
Problem: Site uses alot of JSP and dynamic images for buttons. They do not have static names or IDs. (Think of a registration or checkout process where every page has a "next" or "continue" button, but it dynamically takes you somewhere depending upon current context)
Suggested Solution: My repeated requests that these are not automate-able have recently been answered with a custom expando property of "btn-tag-title".
If every element on a page has a unique (but custom) property named btn-tag-title=, can selenium 2.0 find it reliable every time?
Other Suggested Solutions?;
assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("btn-tag-title=Sign In"));
selenium.type("name=username", "demo");
selenium.type("name=password", "tester");"btn-tag-title=Sign In");;