public Class A
public A()
someotherclass.someevent += new EventHandler(HandleEvent);
private void HandleEvent(object sender,CustomEventArgs e)
if(e.Name == "Type1")
else if(e.Name == "Type2")
protected virtual void Method1(){}
protected virtual void Method2(){}
public class B: A
public B()
{ /*Something*/}
protected override void Method1(){/*some logic*/}
protected override void Method2(){/*some other logic*/}
public class C: A
public C()
{ /*Something*/}
protected override void Method1(){/*some logic*/}
protected override void Method2(){/*some other logic*/}
public class Main
private A;
public Main(){/*Something*/}
private void StartB()
A = new B();
private void StartC()
A = new C();
现在,发生的情况是,在我经历了一个调用StartB(第一个调用)和StartC(第二个调用)方法的循环之后,当触发someevent时,代码尝试执行Class B中的方法(以及稍后我希望是 C 类。我无法到达那里,因为它在调用 B 类中的方法时出错),而不是我希望它只调用C 类中的方法。
我认为,由于事件是在构造函数中订阅的,因此 B 类方法仍然会被触发,因为它最初是在调用 StartB 时订阅的。
I want only the methods of the class that is instantiated the latest should be executed.
For Example: if StartB and StartC are called in order, when someevent is triggered the Methods in Class C should only get executed. Same Vice-Versa. How to do that?
I know am doing something terribly wrong. Any help is much appreciated.