我从数据库中接收到大约 7000 个对象,并将每个项目写入 JSON 文件。大约 2000 个对象后,perl 以Out of memory
我对 perl 很陌生,我不知道为什么会这样。从我的角度来看,循环中没有内存分配在每次迭代后都无法释放。
use lib '../AcePerl/blib/lib','../AcePerl/blib/arch';
use Ace;
use JSON;
use Data::Structure::Util qw( unbless );
use List::MoreUtils;
use strict vars;
use constant HOST => $ENV{ACEDB_HOST} || 'mining.wormbase.org';
use constant PORT => $ENV{ACEDB_PORT} || 2005;
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
print "Opening the database....";
my $db = Ace->connect(-host=>HOST,-port=>PORT
-cache => {
cache_root => '/usr/tmp/acedb',
cache_depth => 4,
default_expires_in => '1 week'
) || die "Connection failure: ",Ace->error;
print "done.\n";
#my @anatomies = $db->list('Anatomy_Term','WBbt:000547*');
my @anatomies = $db->fetch(-name => '*',
-class => 'Anatomy_Term',
-fill => true,
# -count => 10
#my @anatomies = $db->list('Anatomy_Term','*');
print scalar(@anatomies), " anatomy terms found!\n";
my $i = 0;
my $c;
sub wbstr {
my $arg = $_[0];
if(!defined $arg) {
return undef;
return $arg->name;}
# parse anatomy terms for cells
my %anatomy_data;
open (MYFILE, '>anatomy-data2.txt');
print MYFILE '{';
my $parent;
my $first;
my $ancestor;
my $expr_ancestor;
my $is_a;
foreach $c (@anatomies) {
if($i!=0) {
print MYFILE ',';
print MYFILE $json->encode(wbstr($c)), ':{';
print MYFILE '"term":', $json->encode(wbstr($c->Term)), ',';
print MYFILE '"definition":', $json->encode(wbstr($c->Definition)), ',';
print MYFILE '"synonym":', $json->encode(wbstr($c->Synonym)), ',';
print MYFILE '"parents":[';
$first = true;
foreach $parent ($c->CELL_p) {
if($first eq false) {
print MYFILE ',';
print MYFILE $json->encode(wbstr($parent));
$first = false;
print MYFILE '],';
print MYFILE '"ancestors":[';
$first = true;
foreach $ancestor ($c->Ancestor) {
if($first eq false) {
print MYFILE ',';
print MYFILE $json->encode(wbstr($ancestor));
$first = false;
print MYFILE '],';
print MYFILE '"expr_ancestors":[';
$first = true;
foreach $expr_ancestor ($c->Expr_ancestor) {
if($first eq false) {
print MYFILE ',';
print MYFILE $json->encode(wbstr($expr_ancestor));
$first = false;
print MYFILE '],';
print MYFILE '"is_a":[';
$first = true;
foreach $is_a ($c->IS_A_p) {
if($first eq false) {
print MYFILE ',';
print MYFILE $json->encode(wbstr($is_a));
$first = false;
print MYFILE ']}';
print MYFILE '}';
print "Done\n";
close (MYFILE);