I really need some help from the Magento gurus out there. And even if you're not familiar with Magento and you think I'd benefit from OpenCart or some other solution, please tell me!

I'm building a shop for a dummy print company. I have 4 levels of Business Cards:

  1. Standard
  2. Premium
  3. Superior
  4. Luxury

I allow for certain "quantity sets" (though probably not with the actual quantity field):

  1. 500
  2. 1000
  3. 2000
  4. 3000

Each "quantity set" has individual pricing... but I also have to account for Colors:

  1. 1 Color
  2. 2 Colors
  3. 3 Colors
  4. 4 Colors

So what's the problem? Well, it's easy enough to increment the price if I'm only selecting a "quantity set" (1000) ... but the fact that I also have color options that change depending on the "quantity set" selected, I have two levels of pricing.

Take a look at the Standard pricing structure so you can see what I mean:

enter image description here

So, the price is DEPENDANT on how many colors AND how many cards.

I have NO IDEA how to organize my products to accommodate this...


2 回答 2


您可以使用简单的可配置产品扩展来做到这一点:https ://github.com/organicinternet/magento-configurable-simple/

根据您的三个属性制作可配置的产品,并为您的每个变体制作简单的产品。SCP 模块可让您为每个单独的简单产品设置价格。

于 2011-11-10T10:41:33.040 回答

我尝试使用 Store Manager for Magento 执行这些操作,并且只到达了您的表的第一级。


于 2011-11-11T12:23:19.310 回答