是否可以修改python.vim(和相应的颜色方案文件),以便在 vim 下的 python 语法突出显示期间,将在 class 和 def 语句(又名 docstrings)下的三引号字符串突出显示为注释?
class URLopener:
"""Class to open URLs.
This is a class rather than just a subroutine because we may need
more than one set of global protocol-specific options.
Note -- this is a base class for those who don't want the
automatic handling of errors type 302 (relocated) and 401
(authorization needed)."""
def addheader(self, *args):
"""Add a header to be used by the HTTP interface only
e.g. u.addheader('Accept', 'sound/basic')"""
# sample comment